IgFan's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Commerce City, Colorado
Places edited in Denver, Colorado
Places edited in Lakewood, Colorado
Places visited in Poughkeepsie, New York
Places edited in Berlin, Germany
Places edited in Tucson, Arizona
Places visited in Denver, Colorado
Places edited in Washington, D.C.
Places visited in Lakewood, Colorado
Alexandria, Virginia

Stone Mansion

Originally dubbed "Retirement" by the Navy Commodore who built it in 1780, this beautiful mansion is now the centerpiece of a suburban community park.
Easton, Maryland

The Little Red Schoolhouse

The only one-room schoolhouse remaining in Talbot County, Maryland.
Darlington, Maryland

Conowingo Dam

Although built to generate electricity for Marylanders, this dam has become an all-you-can-eat buffet for American bald eagles.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Aqueduct Castle Gatehouse

A building shaped like the Army Corps of Engineers logo, because why not?
Falls Church, Virginia

'Mr. Dixie'

This local mascot has been a presence in the area since the 1960s.
Falls Church, Virginia

'The Man Slopping Pigs'

This eye-catching sculpture of rural life seems a bit out of place at a suburban intersection in front of a car dealership.
Alexandria, Virginia

Braddock Road Cannon

This cannon dating to 1755 has stood guard at this suburban intersection since 1915.
Alexandria, Virginia

The Grave of the Female Stranger

This grave marks the passing of a historic Jane Doe whose identity remains a mystery to this day.
Arlington, Virginia

Pentagon Cable Crossing Sign

Please don’t anchor your boat onto the Department of Defense’s underwater data cables.
Arlington, Virginia

Mary Randolph Gravesite

Recorded as the first person buried in Arlington Cemetery.
Arlington, Virginia

Abner Doubleday Gravesite

Though his role as the inventor of baseball may be up for debate, fans still festoon Doubleday's grave with baseballs.
Arlington, Virginia

The Graves of Robert E. Lee's Garden

Soldiers were buried next to Lee's house in the center of Arlington Cemetery to dissuade the general from reclaiming his property after the war.
Arlington, Virginia

Pierre L’Enfant’s (Second) Gravesite

The controversial urban planner who designed Washington, D.C., was buried in Maryland, and can presently be found in Virginia.
Cambridge, Maryland

Stanley Institute

This one-room schoolhouse played a significant role in the education of Black children for almost 100 years.
Hyattsville, Maryland

Vanadu Art House

An intricately designed junk art house with four extravagant junk art cars hidden in the suburbs.
San Diego, California

Balboa Park Moreton Bay Fig Tree

One of the largest trees of its kind in California.
San Diego, California

Zoro Garden

Swarms of butterflies cannot compare to the awe inspired by the publicly-funded nakedness once displayed in this sunken garden.
San Diego, California

Balboa Park Botanical Building and Lily Pond

Built for an exposition in 1915, these horticultural displays have stood the test of time.
San Diego, California

Davis-Horton House

The oldest standing structure in downtown San Diego.
San Diego, California

Bum and Bobby

These two K-9 memorials commemorate the sister cities of Edinburgh and San Diego.
San Diego, California

San Diego Chinese Historical Museum

This historic Chinese church was relocated and revived as a museum that preserves and celebrates Chinese art, history, and culture.
San Diego, California

Space Invaders

permanently closed
The classic Atari game's iconic aliens have invaded downtown San Diego.
San Diego, California

Harbor Drive Pedestrian Bridge

This futuristic bridge is one of the longest self-anchored pedestrian bridges in the world.
San Diego, California

Unconditional Surrender

A sculpture of the famous photograph stands on San Diego's "Greatest Generation Walk."