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Places visited in Kyiv, Ukraine
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Milan, Italy

Bar Luce

A Milanese café entirely designed by the American director Wes Anderson.
Milan, Italy


This giant middle finger statue sends an unambiguous message to Italy's bankers.
Milan, Italy

San Bernardino alle Ossa

An ossuary built in 1210 to collect bones from the Ospedale Maggiore of Milan.
Turin, Italy

Palazzo della Vittoria

This building was designed to celebrate Italy's victory in World War I.
Turin, Italy

The Dome of San Lorenzo

The intricate geometry inside this Baroque-style dome was designed to create "terror of the human soul."
Turin, Italy

Piazza Statuto

This fountain is dedicated to the workers who perished constructing the Fréjus Rail Tunnel.
Turin, Italy

Medieval Village

A fake medieval village in the middle of Turin.
Pantelleria, Italy

Giardino Pantesco

This ancient walled garden turns fog into food.
Milan, Italy

Fondazione Prada

A space dedicated to contemporary art and culture, co-chaired by fashion icon Miuccia Prada.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Hotel Galéria Spirit

A unique hotel for the artistic soul.
Krakow, Poland

Wawel Dragon's Den

This Polish cave has housed a dragon, a brothel, and an enduring legend.
Krakow, Poland

Statue of Jan Matejko

Extremely famous in his native country, this Cracovian painter is all but unknown beyond Polish borders.
Krakow, Poland

Wawel Chakra

This grubby wall is said to be one of the Earth's esoteric energy centers.
Gdańsk, Poland

Cemetery of Lost Cemeteries

Memorial to the lost dead of Gdansk, whose resting places were destroyed during World War II.
Krakow, Poland

Elvis Presley Avenue

There are thousands of tributes and memorials to the King, but none quite like this one in a Kraków city park.
Krakow, Poland

Wojtek the Soldier Bear Statue

A memorial to the beloved brown bear that served in the Polish army during World War II.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Fotoplastikon

A 20th-century picture show in 3-D.
Gdańsk, Poland

Gdansk Astronomical Clock

A huge wooden clock that is so beautiful its creator was forcibly blinded.
Warsaw, Poland

The Warsaw Basilisk

A menacing statue of this mythical creature can be seen at the legendary site of the monster's lair.
Krakow, Poland

The Bones of the Wawel Dragon

Real bones which are said to have belonged to a Polish dragon.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Osokorky Metro Station

This underground transport hub doubles as an art gallery.
Kyiv, Ukraine


Kyiv's answer to Muscle Beach is a Soviet-era gym made from scrap metal.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv Institute of Information

This exquisite, alienesque piece of Soviet architecture is being threatened by modern shopping malls.
Kyiv, Ukraine


A collection of miniature, symbolic sculptures hides in plain sight across Kyiv.