jamesburge2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Atlanta, Georgia

The Plaza Theatre

This Art-Deco movie palace is the oldest independent cinema in Atlanta.
Atlanta, Georgia

Margaret Mitchell House

The small first-floor apartment where the author wrote her Pulitzer Prize-winning book 'Gone with the Wind.'
Atlanta, Georgia

Sister Louisa's Church of the Living Room & Ping Pong Emporium

A local dive where religious kitsch, Southern identity, and queer culture collide.
Atlanta, Georgia

Noguchi Playscape

This angular brutalist playground turns playtime into modern art time.
Atlanta, Georgia

Lake Claire Community Land Trust

A hidden oasis just two minutes from downtown Atlanta.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Botanical Garden

A grassroots community effort in the 1970s led to the creation of this beautiful garden full of delightfully whimsical exhibits.
Atlanta, Georgia

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama

The Battle of Atlanta in 360 degrees, featuring a corpse that bears a striking resemblance to Clark Gable.
Atlanta, Georgia

Oakland Cemetery

Civil War soldiers, captains of industry, and paupers all interred on historic grounds.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta White House

3/4-scale model of the White House in Atlanta, Georgia.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Rainbow Crosswalks

A colorful square marks the heart of the city's LGBTQ community.
Atlanta, Georgia

Krog Street Tunnel

An underground magnet for ever-changing street art.
Atlanta, Georgia

Michael C. Carlos Museum

Located on the campus of Emory University, this museum is filled with objects from the Americas to ancient Greece.
Decatur, Georgia

Sugar Creek Garden and Herb Farm

On land once deemed “valueless,” a multipurpose community garden proves the potential of urban farming.