jcommerford's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Calabasas, California
Places added to Kosovo
Places visited in Afar Zone 2, Ethiopia
Places added to North Korea
Places added to Pyongyang, North Korea
Places visited in North Korea
Places visited in Washoe County, Nevada
Places visited in Rothwell, England
Places visited in Pyongyang, North Korea
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Pristina, Kosovo

Newborn Monument

This massive monument was unveiled the day Kosovo declared independence from Serbia.
Baku, Azerbaijan

The Maiden Tower

This mysterious but iconic tapered tower appears in many Azeri fairytales and legends.
Hong Kong

HSBC Building Feng Shui Cannons

Two cannon-like cranes were installed on top of the bank building to fend off bad feng shui.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

'Faces' of Locksmith Street

A trough of 700 strange bronze faces runs through a narrow alley in Ljubljana's old town.
Los Angeles, California

The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel

Hollywood's oldest hotel is the site of the first Academy Awards, the birthplace of Marilyn Monroe's career, and the home of Montgomery Clift's ghost.
Montevideo, Uruguay

Teatro Solís

This beautiful example of neoclassical architecture is one of Uruguay's most treasured cultural gems.
Washington, D.C.

African-American Civil War Memorial

The first memorial dedicated solely to the Black troops who fought for the Union.

Kyichu Lhakhang Temple

One of Bhutan's oldest temples was purportedly built to halt a giant female ogre from preventing the spread of Buddhism across Tibet.
Mexico City, Mexico

Foro Sol

The F1 Mexican Grand Prix circuit goes right through the middle of this old baseball stadium.
Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo

De Brazza's Mausoleum

A crypt believed by many Congolese to be a center of black magic.
Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo

Nabemba Tower

The tallest building in the Republic of the Congo is a source of pride despite its towering maintenance costs.
Afar Zone 2, Ethiopia

Erta Ale

Ethiopia's "smoking mountain" is in one of the hottest regions on the planet and is home to two lava lakes.
Afar Zone 2, Ethiopia


The hottest place on the planet.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Statue of Panfilov's 28 Guardsmen

This Soviet statue is based on a piece of propaganda that's been elevated to national myth.
London, England

Richmond Park

This beautiful deer park was built so King Charles I and his court could go hunting while escaping a deadly plague outbreak.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Jemaa el-Fna Square

Fortune tellers, snake charmers, poets, and storytellers all gather on this historic square in Morocco.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque

The first mosque in the world to receive electricity.
London, England

Hampstead Pergola

This secluded walkway overlooks a magnificently wild London green space.
Calabasas, California

Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park

Pay your respects to departed pets, both celebrity and otherwise.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Ascension Cathedral

In Kazakhstan, a colorful cathedral with many lives once survived the most powerful earthquake in the region.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast Peace Lines

These barriers stand as stark reminders of Northern Ireland's troubled past.
Bled, Slovenia

Bled Island Potica

On a small Slovenian island, diners can mix and match a classic cake into dozens of sweet and savory flavor combinations.
Jodhpur, India

Mehrangarh Fort

This stunning 15th-century royal hill fort preserves the age of chivalry in Rajasthan.
Jaisalmer, India

Jaisalmer Fort

The oldest still-inhabited hill fort in India looks like a magnificent golden sandcastle.