jessrobertson88 3b2a6c47's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Taree, Australia

Big Oyster

Homage to the local produce now serves as a car dealer.
Melbourne, Australia

Phar Lap

Taxidermy of the racing horse with a huge heart, who inspired hope in the Depression.
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Big Banana

One of the first big sculptures anywhere in Australia.
Robertson, Australia

Big Potato

Concrete spud looks like the North American Sebago.
West Ballina, Australia

The Big Prawn

There's nothing shrimpy about the world's largest artificial prawn.
Melbourne, Australia

AC/DC Lane

A colorful street named for the legendary Australian rock band.
Melbourne, Australia

Coop's Shot Tower

This historic Melbourne bullet factory is fully encased in a massive glass and steel cone.
Sydney, Australia

Waverley Cemetery

A self-funded cemetery with a long list of inhabitants.
Kiama, Australia

Kiama Blowhole

This massive water spout has been luring visitors for hundreds of years, some to their death.
Sydney, Australia

Justice and Police Museum

This grim museum collects artifacts and evidence of some of the most sensational antipodean crimes.
Katoomba, Australia

Three Sisters

This trio of Australian rock spires may have inspired aboriginal legend or just modern tourism.
Whitsundays, Australia

Whitehaven Beach

A small, but award-winning beach known for its literally spotless reputation.
Katoomba, Australia

The Giant Stairway

A massive stairway that almost wasn't leads to one of Australia's most scenic vistas.
Wentworth Point, Australia

SS Ayrfield

Nature is leading a successful mutiny on this century-old freighter.