Jet Yiu's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Kiama, Australia

Kiama Blowhole

This massive water spout has been luring visitors for hundreds of years, some to their death.
Hyams Beach, Australia

Hyams Beach

The sand is such a bright white that on sunny days you practically need sunglasses to look at the ground.
Dadswells Bridge, Australia

The Giant Koala

Popular tourist destination now stands as a memorial to Sam the koala.
Golden Point, Australia

Sovereign Hill

This outdoor museum harkens back to the height of the gold rush.
Melbourne, Australia

Coop's Shot Tower

This historic Melbourne bullet factory is fully encased in a massive glass and steel cone.
Melbourne, Australia

Marionette Fob Watch

Every hour a secret compartment drops from this giant pocket watch, revealing a lovely surprise.
Melbourne, Australia

Phar Lap

Taxidermy of the racing horse with a huge heart, who inspired hope in the Depression.
Melbourne, Australia

Princess Theatre

One of the oldest theaters in Australia, it's also said to be haunted by a performer who died on stage.
Melbourne, Australia

'The Public Purse'

This giant, granite purse is one of Melbourne's most unique and distinctive pieces of public art.
Southbank, Australia

Wirth's Circus Mosaic

Designed to celebrate more than a century of circus performances in Australia.
Melbourne, Australia

AC/DC Lane

A colorful street named for the legendary Australian rock band.
Berriedale, Australia

Museum of Old and New Art (MONA)

This controversial museum includes such detested exhibits as a chocolate suicide bomber and fecal-smelling digestion machine.
Richmond, Australia

Richmond Bridge

It's beautiful, it's haunted and its claim to fame is that it's the oldest existing stone arch bridge in Australia.
Launceston, Australia

City Park Macaques

A small troop of Japanese macaques live peacefully in the heart of this Tasmanian city.
Milford Sound, New Zealand

Milford Sound

Dolphins, ancient clams and hundreds of waterfalls make this one of the world's top tourist destinations.
Dunedin, New Zealand

Tunnel Beach

Known for the tunnel that leads visitors to the water.
Dunedin, New Zealand

Baldwin Street Houses

One of the world's steepest streets seems to have houses sliding down it.
Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington Cable Car

New Zealand's only running funicular railway.
Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington Airport Runway

High winds can make this one scary landing.
Wellington, New Zealand

Weta Cave

Inside this faux cave, visitors can learn how some of their favorite fantasy characters were created.
Rotorua, New Zealand


Major tourist destination known for its bubbling mud-pools and hot thermal springs.
Matamata, New Zealand


The real life Hobbiton, this sheep farm has been forever transformed since being built for The Hobbit film series.
Waitomo, New Zealand

Waitomo Glowworm Caves

Tubing through a cave lit with glowworms is a magical underground experience.
Auckland, New Zealand

Sky Tower

A New Zealand communications tower stands as the tallest structure in the Southern Hemisphere.