jhume68's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Mülenen, Switzerland

The Niesenbahn

Traversing steep Alpine slopes, this engineering marvel is one of the longest and highest funiculars in the world.
Obergoms VS, Switzerland

Hotel Belvédère

A once-thriving hotel in the Swiss Alps couldn't compete with climate change.
Fleury-devant-Douaumont, France

Zone Rouge

A swath of France so devastated by war it is still forbidden to go there.
Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg

Esch-sur-Sûre Castle

Once the local rulers had gone these enchanting ruins housed common folk in an almost real life fairy tale.
La Ferté-sur-Chiers, France

Ouvrage La Ferté

This striking fort on the Maginot Line looks just as it did after being destroyed in the Fall of France.
Waimes, Belgium

Signal de Botrange

The highest point in Belgium is a staircase to nowhere.
Borgloon, Belgium

Reading Between The Lines

Part modern art project, part traditional chapel, this see-through church is only substantial from the right angle.
Heeswijk Dinther, Netherlands

The Kilsdonk Mill

A rare double mill nestled along the banks of the Aa river.
Valenciennes, France

Abandoned Eurostar Train

This is what trains will look like after the zombie apocalypse.
Sigüés, Spain

Abandoned Village of Esco

A Franco-era dam flooded (almost) everyone out of this centuries-old Aragonese town.
Kerry, Ireland

Fahan Beehive Huts

Ireland's most remarkable collection of these curious cone-shaped houses is worth the buzz.
Birr, Ireland

Kinnitty Pyramid

This burial pyramid in central Ireland is thousands of miles and thousands of years away from its Egyptian inspiration.
Inisheer, Ireland

MV Plassy

A steam trawler with a whiskey-soaked history driven ashore in 1960 resides rusty but still standing on the shoreline.
Killea, Ireland

Secret Celtic Tree Cross

A massive Celtic cross secretly growing in an Irish forest.
Cork, Ireland

Baltimore Beacon

An oddly conical beacon perched atop beautiful Irish cliffs.
Churchtown, Ireland

Hook Lighthouse

One of the oldest lighthouses in the world, this structure was built more than 800 years ago.
Dublin, Ireland

Rory Gallagher Corner

A guitar mounted on a wall in Temple Bar honors the Irish musician.
County Donegal, Ireland

'Eire 80' Sign

This World War II relic let Allied pilots know they were entering neutral airspace.
Dublin, Ireland

Magazine Fort

This 18th-century fort surrounded by a moat was used to store gun powder and ammunition, and now sits in the middle of a large part in Dublin.
Dublin, Ireland

Phil Lynott Statue

A statue in the center of Dublin dedicated to one of their favorite sons of rock & roll.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Tullaherin Folk Museum and Round Tower

A collection of housewares from recent Irish history adjoined by a tower from ancient Irish history.
Kerry, Ireland

Knocknakilla Stone Circle

Just another ancient, mysterious Irish stone circle.
Sligo, Ireland

Benbulben Barite Mine

The remains of this deep, dark mine have left behind a haunting rocky warren of tunnels.
Tulsk, Ireland


This ancient Irish landscape boasts hundreds of legendary ruins.