jnpeerenboom's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cervera, Spain

Carreró de les Bruixes (Alley of Witches)

A signal indicates the entrance to this alley, rumored to be a meeting place for witches.
Margalef, Spain


An isolated village literally built into the crevices and rock formations of a mountain.
Torà, Spain

Torre de Vallferosa

This medieval fortification has weathered the centuries better than any other structure from its era.
Ansignan, France

Pont-Aqueduc d'Ansignan

A functioning Roman-era aqueduct and bridge in rural southwest France.
Salses-le-Château, France

Château de Salses

This castle-fortress is a living example of the transition from medieval defenses to modern fortifications.
Font-Romeu-Odeillo-Via, France

Odeillo Solar Furnace

The world's largest solar furnace uses 10,000 mirrors to concentrate the sun's rays to generate power.
Lacrouzette, France

Goose Rock

A precariously balanced goose-shaped boulder with a dark legend.
La Geneytouse, France

St. Nicolas Pierre's Initiatiques (Initiatory Stones)

More than 140 granite sculptures decorate the lawn of this French sculptor.
Saint-Bonnet-le-Château, France

Collégiale de Saint-Bonnet-Le-Château

Natural mummies hidden in the crypt of a medieval French church.
Tonnerre, France

Fosse Dionne

This natural French spring has been turned into a magical grotto by Roman and medieval constructions.
Taingy, France

Carrière d'Aubigny

This former limestone quarry is now a subterranean wonderland of grand stonework.
La Ferté-sur-Chiers, France

Ouvrage La Ferté

This striking fort on the Maginot Line looks just as it did after being destroyed in the Fall of France.
Bélesta, France

Fontaine Intermittente de Fontestorbes

Every half hour, the flow of this unusual spring cycles between a rush of water and barely a trickle.