jooster's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Improvement District No. 24, Alberta

Wood Buffalo National Park

The world's largest dark sky preserve is a Canadian park established to preserve the country's last wood bison.

Lake Abraham

The frozen bubbles that form on the icy surface of this Canadian lake contain enough methane to create a small explosion.
Bankhead, Alberta

Bankhead Ghost Town

The ruins of the "20-year town" lay out among the mountains of Alberta.
Maple Creek, Saskatchewan

Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park

When North America was covered in ice, this was an oasis in the frozen desert.
Bushell Park, Saskatchewan

Tom Sukanen's Prairie Ship

A broken man's homemade, seaworthy ship rests in the middle of the Canadian prairie.
Waskesiu Lake, Saskatchewan

Grey Owl's Cabin

Where the English trapper who faked a First Nations identity bunked with beavers.

Four Corners Monument (Canada Edition)

Two provinces and two territories touch borders deep in the middle of the wilderness.
Manitou Beach, Saskatchewan

Little Manitou Lake

This mineral lake known for its healing powers is so buoyant it's been dubbed the "Dead Sea of Canada."
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Mac the Moose

The world's largest moose statue is located (where else?) in Canada.

Athabasca Sand Dunes

The most northerly active sand dunes in the world have some very rare botanical residents.
Prelate, Saskatchewan

Great Sand Hills

These little-known sands dunes are a geological anomaly in Saskatchewan's southern prairies.
Speers, Saskatchewan

Twisted Trees

The Twisted Trees of Alticane are an unnerving grove of Quaking Aspen, apparently mutated from a single source, giving them a twisted and unnatural appearance.
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Tunnels of Moose Jaw

Underground tunnels once home to crime are now back open to the public.
Cochin, Saskatchewan

Cochin Lighthouse

The unusual lighthouse looms over waves of prairies with no sea in sight.
Eastend, Saskatchewan

T.rex Discovery Centre

Built after the 1991 discovery of one of the world's most complete T.rex skeletons in the nearby hills.