JoyKat's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Cadillac, Michigan
Places visited in Port Townsend, Washington
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Lake Helen, Florida


Town of spiritualists and mediums in Florida.
Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska


The king of U.S. high points towers over every other peak on the continent.
Homer, Alaska

Salty Dawg Saloon

Buy your friend a drink or staple some cash to the wall for the next guy at the Salty Dawg Saloon.
Anchorage, Alaska

Burial Spirit Houses

Colorful boxes placed over the dead are left to rot and crumble.
Anchorage, Alaska

The Seward Highway

Considered by many to be one of the most dangerous highways in Alaska.
Juneau, Alaska

Shrine of Saint Thérèse

This shrine to the patron saint of Alaska sits on a small tidal island and was built from the land’s own beach stones.
Juneau, Alaska

Mendenhall Glacier

A rare chance to get up close and personal with a 13-mile ribbon of ice near downtown Juneau.
Juneau, Alaska

Brotherhood Bridge Fireweed Field

Every summer, the Mendenhall River greenbelt comes alive with an explosion of magenta flowers.
Juneau, Alaska

DuPont Explosives Depot Ruins

The crumbling remains of Juneau's explosives storage site.
Juneau, Alaska

Wizard of Oz Metal Statues

On top of a sheet metal business in Juneau stand nearly a dozen charming Wizard of Oz statues.
Juneau, Alaska

Treadwell Ruins

The ruins of this Alaska gold mine form a gorgeous ghost town.
Juneau, Alaska

Aquilean Whale Tail Sculptures

A whale of a public art display towers atop Juneau's cruise ship dock.
Juneau, Alaska

Patsy Ann Statue

Known as the “Official Greeter of Juneau,” this dog still welcomes ships and their passengers to Alaska.
Juneau, Alaska

Sealaska Heritage Institute

Often mistaken for an office building, inside this venue is an amazing collection of Native Alaskan art.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.
Seattle, Washington


This sculpture forces visitors to confront their relationship with space.
Seattle, Washington

Museum of Pop Culture

A museum dedicated to the history and exploration of both popular music and science fiction.
Seattle, Washington

Ye Olde Curiosity Shop

A 100-year-old purveyor of curiosities, curios, and kitsch featuring mummies, shrunken heads, and a Fiji Mermaid.
Seattle, Washington

Hammering Man

This working class sculpture pounds his hammer all the livelong day.
Rosario Beach, Washington

The Maiden of Deception Pass

This statue and its surrounding plaques tells the story of Ko-kwal-alwoot and the kinship between the Samish people and the sea.
Port Townsend, Washington

Fort Worden Artillery Battery

An abandoned network of military bunkers and tunnels open for anyone willing to descend into the darkness.
Port Townsend, Washington

Port Townsend City Hall

City Council meetings still happen in this historic building, impeccably preserved on the inside.
Port Townsend, Washington

Port Townsend Bay Kinetic Sculpture Race

Quirky movable sculptures have been racing through the town since 1983.
Port Townsend, Washington

Starrett House

The building features one of the last remaining free-floating spiral grand staircases in the U.S.