kellyblah's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New Orleans, Louisiana

Lafayette Cemetery

This historic "City of the Dead" lies prominently in the center of New Orleans' famous Garden District.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1

The oldest cemetery in New Orleans, resting peacefully for over 200 years now.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's Tomb

The final resting place of New Orleans' most famous voodoo priestess.
San Jose, California

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum

An extensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts and mummies.
Brussels, Belgium

Jeanneke Pis

Brussels' favorite peeing boy has a sister.
Brussels, Belgium

Manneken Pis

A little sculpture with a large wardrobe.
Brussels, Belgium

Zinneke Pis

Meet the bronze beloved pet to a family of famous peeing statues.
Brussels, Belgium

The Musical Instrument Museum

Three floors of musical instruments coming from all corners of the world and hundreds of years of musical history.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Capilla del Santo Cristo de la Salud (Chapel of the Holy Christ of Health)

This chapel on a cliff is renowned for its healing powers and was founded on the site of a supposed divine intervention.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Halifax Explosion Memorial

The city of Halifax still bears the scars of the largest explosion prior to the atomic bomb.
Sleepy Hollow, New York

Headless Horseman Bridge

The real-life site of Ichabod Crane's infamous gourd attack.
New York, New York

The Remnants of Tin Pan Alley

The one-time epicenter of American songwriting is now a little remembered Manhattan commercial block.
Brentwood, New York

Pilgrim Psychiatric Center

A formerly abandoned mental institute, now back in business.
Sands Point, New York

Execution Rocks Lighthouse

An isolated beacon with a history of grisly murder and a view of some of literature's greatest inspirations.
Pine Bush, New York

Ellenville Fault Ice Caves

The largest known open fault in the United States is basically a giant natural refrigerator.
Howes Cave, New York

Howe Caverns

Why have you never heard of the second most popular tourist site in New York?
New Hyde Park, New York

Denton House McDonald's

This outpost of America's most popular fast-food restaurant is housed inside a palatial mansion.
New York, New York

Jeffrey's Hook Light

Little Red Lighthouse under the George Washington Bridge.
Howes Cave, New York

Secret Caverns

Discovered by cows, these upstate New York show caves are presented with a healthy dose of psychedelic folk art.
New York, New York

Giant Needle and Button

There must be a pun in this haystack somewhere...
New York, New York

Museum at Eldridge Street

America's oldest Eastern European synagogue provided the immigrants of crowded Lower East Side tenements a space of sanctuary.
South Salem, New York

Wolf Conservation Center

Protecting the future of some of the rarest and most misunderstood mammals of North America.
New York, New York

The Wishbones of McSorley's Old Ale House

Touching mementoes from those who didn't make it back from World War I still hang in one of New York's oldest bars.
Brooklyn, New York

Coney Art Walls

This outdoor gallery of graffiti-covered walls pays homage to the past, present, and possible future of street art.