kemil32000's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Walcott, Iowa

Iowa 80 Truck Stop

The world’s largest truck stop includes a barber shop, chiropractor, and a huge museum with antique trucks.
New York, New York

The 'Ghostbusters' Firehouse

Try not to get slimed in Tribeca.
Sankt Goarshausen, Germany

Statue of Loreley

A memorial for a young woman and her ghost, which are claimed to have caused countless deathly shipwrecks.
Oberwesel, Germany

Burg Pfalzgrafenstein

Tiny castle in the middle of the Rhine made you pay to pass.
Bingen, Germany

Mouse Tower

Legendary site where an evil bishop was devoured by rodents.
Rüdesheim am Rhein, Germany

Siegfried's Mechanical Music Cabinet

This marvelous array is one of the largest collections of mechanical instruments in Europe.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Barabas Hotel Luzern

Lucerne's central prison was converted into a tourist hotel with a bare minimum of changes.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Dance of Death Bridge

This historic covered bridge contains a series of macabre paintings that communicate one thing: everyone dies.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Lion of Lucerne

This memorial commemorating fallen Swiss Guards of the French Revolution has been called the saddest stone in the world.
Vaduz, Liechtenstein

Schloss Vaduz

Liechtenstein's royal family calls this medieval alpine castle home.
Vaduz, Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein Postal Museum

Browse through a century of this principality's first popular export.
Sevelen, Switzerland

Alte Rheinbrücke (Old Rhine Bridge)

The oldest surviving wooden bridge over Rhine lets travelers cross easily from Switzerland to Liechtensten.
Innsbruck, Austria

The Empty Tomb of Maximilian I

This splendid tomb may look fantastic, but there's nothing in it...
Salzburg, Austria

The Catacombs of St. Peter's Abbey

These 12th-century catacombs carved into a mountainside were a place of mysticism and Christian hermitages.
Schwangau, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle

The fairy tale castle of the "fairy-tale king."
Schwangau, Germany

MarienBrücke (Maria Bridge)

A unique bridge with an equally unique view.
Munich, Germany

Jeweled Skeleton of Saint Munditia

The patron saint of spinsters grasps a container of dried blood.
Munich, Germany


A fearsome dragon clings to a corner of Munich's city hall.
Munich, Germany


Oddly enough, a pair of Wolfs funded the construction of this Little Red Riding Hood sculpture.
Munich, Germany


Daily jousts and dancing barrel makers in Munich's mechanical clock.
Chicago, Illinois

Crown Fountain

The twin towers in this Chicago fountain use 50 foot tall video screens to spit on people.
Dubuque, Iowa

Union Park

The remains of a bustling turn-of-the-century park built to showcase the wonders of electricity.
Brussels, Belgium

Madame Chapeau Sculpture

A bronze statue of the fictional character nicknamed "Mrs. Hat" from a beloved Belgian comedy.
Brussels, Belgium

Jeanneke Pis

Brussels' favorite peeing boy has a sister.