laurakmf's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bologna, Italy

Meridian Line of Basilica di San Petronio

A massive line that stretches across the floor of Bologna’s largest church was created by a 17th-century scientist to measure the movements of the Sun.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle's Giant Sequoia Tree

This grand old 80-foot sequoia towers above the buildings in the city’s retail center.
Seattle, Washington

Museum of Pop Culture

A museum dedicated to the history and exploration of both popular music and science fiction.
Brussels, Belgium

‘Don Quixote and Sancho Panza’

A largely overlooked statue that may commemorate the first publication of 'Don Quixote' outside of Spain.
Washington, D.C.

'Ginevra de’ Benci' Portrait

The only Leonardo Da Vinci painting in the Western Hemisphere.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Access Hatch

Daredevil repair workers can worm their way out the access hatch, loop ropes over the apex and rappel down the monument.
Washington, D.C.

Bare-Chested George Washington

Perhaps the most scandalous statue of America's first president.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Eastern State Penitentiary

World's first "penitentiary," meant to be humane, drove men insane.
Washington, D.C.

The Mansion on O Street

With over 100 jam-packed rooms to explore plus elaborate tea services and events, the Mansion on O Street is a hidden treasure.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Paul Robeson House

The singer, actor, and activist lived here during his final years, and now it’s a museum dedicated to his legacy.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Wanamaker Building

The first American department store, and home to the largest operating musical instrument in the world.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Rosenbach of the Free Library of Philadelphia

This little-known collection holds everything from "Dracula" notes, to the manuscript of "Ulysses," to the forged works of Shakespeare.
Duboka, Croatia

Pelješac Bridge

Construction of this bridge was once described as an "act of violence" against a neighboring country.
Washington, D.C.

Jean Jules Jusserand Memorial

An obscure federal monument honors the French diplomat who served as Ambassador to the U.S. during WWI.
Washington, D.C.

Flag Office Elevator

The elevator that makes it possible to fly American flags in bulk over the U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C.

State Department Protocol Gift Office

They sort through millions of dollars worth of diplomatic gifts on behalf of the government.
Washington, D.C.

FDR's Swimming Pool

There's an old indoor swimming pool hidden directly underneath the White House Press Briefing Room.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Marble Stripe

Look closely and you’ll notice that the color changes a third of the way up the tower.
Washington, D.C.

National Cathedral Bell Tower

There’s a special club house at the top for the bell ringers.
Washington, D.C.

Treasury Department Cash Vault

Where the U.S. government kept its actual treasure, before Fort Knox.
Washington, D.C.

Amelia Earhart's Lockheed Vega

The "lovely red Vega" of the legendary record-settling pilot.
Washington, D.C.

The K-9 of the Korean War Veterans Memorial

Those with a sharp eye can find the hidden image of a German Shepherd on the memorial's Mural Wall.
Washington, D.C.

Uncle Beazley the Triceratops

A celebrity from the late Cretaceous period.
Washington, D.C.

Fort DeRussy

A Civil War fort in the middle of Washington, D.C. has been swallowed by a forest.