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Stockholm, Sweden


A concrete mushroom that divided Stockholm residents for nearly a century.
Stockholm, Sweden


Locals rallied to save this beloved mural after someone mistakenly attempted to cover it.
Stockholm, Sweden

'The Flute Player'

This small statue hints at the incorrect origins of the lush landscape park surrounding it.
Stockholm, Sweden

Dykande Måsen

A concrete Picasso in the middle of a student housing complex on the outskirts of Stockholm.
Stockholm, Sweden

Tantolunden Flak Position

Tucked away in a downtown Stockholm park are the remains of a World War II defense position.
Stockholm, Sweden

Aunt Green, Aunt Brown, and Aunt Lavender

The three colorful women depict characters from a beloved children's story.
Stockholm, Sweden


Twice a year, this floating library delivers thousands of books to the remote islands of Stockholm’s archipelago.
Stockholm, Sweden

Krutbanan (Gunpowder Track)

This railroad track was so secretive that it was omitted from all maps.
Stockholm, Sweden

Alfred Nobel's Grave

The final resting place of the man whose name has become synonymous with greatness.
Stockholm, Sweden

The First Grave of René Descartes

Inside this church, a monument honors the first burial site of the famed philosopher.
Stockholm, Sweden


This unique sculpture is often overlooked by pedestrians.
Stockholm, Sweden

Källargränd urinoar (Källargränd Urinal)

A 130-year-old urinal is the oldest of Stockholm and perhaps all of Sweden.
Stockholm, Sweden

Astrid Lindgrens Hem (Astrid Lindgren's House)

The apartment where Pippi Longstocking came to life.
Stockholm, Sweden

'Två Myror' ('Two Ants')

Enormous ants wielding giant pine needles guard a Stockholm real estate company's office.
Stockholm, Sweden

Olof Palme Memorial Plaque

A golden plaque marks the site of the mysterious unsolved assassination of the former Swedish prime minister.
Stockholm, Sweden

Västra Skogen Escalator

A Stockholm metro station is home to an escalator that is not only the longest in Sweden, but among the longest in the world.
Stockholm, Sweden

Skepptuna Church

A 12th-century church with a medieval fresco and an intriguing “Greek runestone.”
Stockholm, Sweden

Arlanda Airport Runestone

An 11th-century runestone decorates the halls of Terminal 2 of this Scandinavian travel hub.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vikingaliv Runestone

Outside a Viking museum sits a modern-day runestone made by a Swedish runemaster using traditional methods.
Stockholm, Sweden

Newton's Apple

This giant subway sculpture celebrates the fruit that inspired the theory of gravity.
Stockholm, Sweden

Last Home of Descartes

A plaque marks the house in Stockholm where the French philosopher René Descartes lived up until his death.
Stockholm, Sweden

Jumbo Stay

Frequent fliers welcome in this airplane hotel.
Stockholm, Sweden

Solar Egg

A golden egg-shaped sauna in the Arctic tundra.
Stockholm, Sweden


Eat a Nobel banquet from any year in the basement of Stockholm's City Hall.