goldelinemydear's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in New Paltz, New York
Places visited in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
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Three million year old fossils are exposed for all to see on this Icelandic shore.

Arctic Circle Marker

A giant concrete orb in far north Iceland marks the ever-shifting boundary.
Lowell, Massachusetts

The Mysterious Witch Bonney

The Mysterious Witch Bonney, a haunted statue in an old industrial city.
Salem, Massachusetts

The Witch House of Salem

The only structure left with direct ties to the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692.
Salem, Massachusetts

House of the Seven Gables

The 340-year-old house that inspired the classic Nathaniel Hawthorne novel.
Salem, Massachusetts

Derby Square Bookstore

"Try not to knock anything over!"
Borgholm, Sweden

Trollskogen (The Troll Forest)

Crooked windswept pines give this old forest an enchanted and magical look.
Cabanas, Spain

Fragas do Eume

This enchanting natural park is a magical example of a temperate rainforest in Europe.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Last Wild Apple Forests

Granny Smiths and Fujis can both be traced back to Kazakhstan, where apples still grow wild.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Big Almaty Lake

A brilliant turquoise lake in the mountains.
Salem, Massachusetts

Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery

A collection of full-size movie monsters opened to the public.
Salem, Massachusetts

Statue of Elizabeth Montgomery

Statue in Salem of the woman who starred as the witch Samantha in the sitcom "Bewitched."
Warsaw, Poland

The Warsaw Basilisk

A menacing statue of this mythical creature can be seen at the legendary site of the monster's lair.
Hartford, Connecticut

Statue of Rover

A tribute to the truly loyal dog who waited outside a hospital for his owner to come back.
Melbourne, Australia

Larry La Trobe Statue

Melbourne's favorite bronze dog.
Brocton, New York

Marmaduke Statue

The world's only statue dedicated to the greatest Great Dane in comic strip history.
Rotterdam, Netherlands


This charming pup is meant to celebrate the youth and stubbornness of the city's students.
San Francisco, California

Doggie Diner Head

This grinning pup statue is all that's left of what was once a ubiquitous Bay Area diner chain.
Douglas, Isle of Man

The Old Fairy Bridge

This hidden bridge is where local children leave gifts and messages for the island's fay folk.
Empire, Nevada

Guru Road

The Wonder Road aka Doobie Lane, a mile-long strip of dirt road filled with folk art.
Gerlach, Nevada

Fly Geyser

A collision of human error and natural geothermal pressure created this rainbow-colored geologic wonder.
New York, New York

Frick Bowling Alley

Bowl in splendor, if you're lucky.
New York, New York

Fraunces Tavern

This Wall Street bar was once a hub of revolutionary activity where Washington famously bid farewell to his troops.
New York, New York


Prove you deserve to be fed by Kenny Shopsin.