Levi D's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Levi D's activity rankings
Places visited in Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Places visited in Laramie, Wyoming
Places visited in Spearfish, South Dakota
Places visited in Cheyenne, Wyoming
Places visited in Wyoming
Pueblo, Colorado

Forgotten Grumman TLRV

A futuristic hovertrain is parked unceremoniously alongside a nondescript road.
Pueblo, Colorado

The Goodnight Barn

This historic stone barn is the former home of legendary cattleman Charles “Lonesome Dove” Goodnight.
Chadron, Nebraska

Nebraska National Forest

America's largest man-made forest was planted in an effort to bring back the past.
Harrison, Nebraska

Toadstool Geologic Park

Other-worldly rock formations and ancient fossils abound in this unique stretch of Nebraska badlands.
Alliance, Nebraska


An experimental, automotive replica of Stonehenge.
Moab, Utah

Hole N" the Rock

A house carved into a rock in the 1940s.
Moab, Utah

Landscape Arch

The fifth-longest natural arch in the world, and the longest outside China.
Redlands, Colorado

Independence Monument

For over a century, it has been a tradition to raise a flag at the top of this 450-foot sandstone pillar on the 4th of July.
Missoula, Montana

A Carousel for Missoula

A classic carnival ride that was carved to be untouchable.
Colfax, Washington

The Codger Pole

A town's monument to a touch-football victory 50 years in the making.
LaCrosse, Washington

Palouse Falls

An obscure waterfall that looks like something out of a fantasy novel.
Quincy, Washington

Grandfather Cuts Loose the Ponies

This metallic stampede sits frozen on a Washington ridge yet the artist's vision is still incomplete.
Winlock, Washington

Winlock Egg

The world's largest egg has been cracked a number of times over the years but has been repeatedly replaced.
Toledo, Washington

Gospodor Monument Park

permanently closed
These memorials built by an eccentric bachelor on the side of Interstate 5 cause both wonder and traffic accidents.
Cannon Beach, Oregon

Haystack Rock

A massive sea stack famous for its appearance in The Goonies.
Astoria, Oregon

Flavel House Museum

You might recognize this historic Oregon mansion from its appearance in 'The Goonies.'
Astoria, Oregon

Hillside Cemetery

This graveyard is the eternal home of many brave pioneers who settled the Great Northwest.
Astoria, Oregon

Goonie Trails

The lush coastal city of Astoria is riddled with forgotten secret sidewalks.
Longview, Washington

Nutty Narrows Bridge

This bridge provides safe passage for squirrels.
Portland, Oregon

Collins Beach UFO Boat

This abandoned boat sits on a nude beach, is shaped like a UFO, and is covered in graffiti.
Portland, Oregon

Portland Troll Bridge

Not-so-fearsome tiny trolls live under this wooden train trestle in Portland.
Portland, Oregon

Cathedral Park

A heavenly experience, right here on Terra Firma.
Goldendale, Washington

Maryhill Museum and Stonehenge

A French chateau, failed utopian community, odd museum, and Stonehenge replica in rural Washington State.
Hermiston, Oregon

Umatilla Chemical Depot

A stunning landscape of bunkers that once stored chemical weapons.