lilianasequeira's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul Railway Museum at Sirkeci Terminal

The legendary luxury train passage is commemorated with a charming museum inside its former eastern terminus.
Adalar, Turkey

Prinkipo Orphanage

One of the largest wooden constructions in Europe was meant to be a casino, but soon became an orphanage.
Istanbul, Turkey

The Spoonmaker's Diamond

No one is sure if the world's fourth-largest diamond had been found in a rubbish heap or was pawned by Napoleon's mom.
Istanbul, Turkey

Serpent Column

Ancient serpentine sacrifice holder that has stood the test of time.
Istanbul, Turkey

Kaiser Wilhelm Fountain

A fountain standing as a testament to a doomed alliance.
Istanbul, Turkey


Large miniature theme park with 100-plus models.
Istanbul, Turkey


Climb a steep hill in 90 seconds on the second-oldest urban subway in the world.
Istanbul, Turkey

The Museum of Innocence

This museum was invented in a novel before being made real by the author.
Istanbul, Turkey

Camondo Stairs

A gorgeous, Gaudí-esque stairway constructed in the city of Istanbul by a prominent Jewish family.
Istanbul, Turkey

Vlora Hanı

An Art Nouveau gem hides beneath the layers of city grime obscuring this once-magnificent building.
Istanbul, Turkey

St. Stephen Bulgarian Iron Church

The most metal church of all time was built in record time because of an international, pious pissing contest.
Istanbul, Turkey

Nakilbent Cistern

A sixth-century Byzantine cistern hidden below a modern carpet store.
Istanbul, Turkey

Pierre Loti Hill

Have tea in a cemetery with a dazzling view of Istanbul.
Istanbul, Turkey

Pudding Shop (Lale Restaurant)

This crucial gathering spot along the "hippie trail" still displays old notes between traveling beatniks and backpackers.
Istanbul, Turkey

Ottoman Bird Palaces

The ornate miniature mansions were built for Istanbul's feathered residents.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.
Huntly, New Zealand


This faded sign to nowhere is a beloved icon in New Zealand.
Taihape, New Zealand

Gumboot Capital of the World

Taihape's claim to fame is a fictional Kiwi farmer wearing gumboots.
Eltham, New Zealand

Eltham Toy Wall

What began as a makeshift lost and found, now exists as a unique art installation.
Stratford, New Zealand

Stratford Glockenspiel Clock Tower

This mechanical clock performs "Romeo and Juliet" in a Shakespeare-themed New Zealand town.
Napier, New Zealand

Napier Prison

New Zealand's oldest prison holds a dark history and the scars of a deadly earthquake.
Wellington, New Zealand

Old Bank Arcade Animated Musical Clock

A charmingly old-fashioned reminder of the historic building's former life.
Duntroon, New Zealand

Vanished World Centre

A hidden gem of a museum that lets you search for your own fossils.
Wellington, New Zealand

Moniac Machine

A strange machine made to evaluate the world economy using water and lots of tubes.