lobozuzu's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

Witches Gulch

Over thousands of years, this slot canyon was carved out of the bed of an ancient lake.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Pabst Mansion

A giant, Gilded Age mansion that once belonged to the beer baron of Milwaukee.
Kenosha, Wisconsin

Mars Cheese Castle

Wisconsin's most celebrated export gets the royal treatment on I-94.
Wendover, Utah

Historic Wendover Airfield

This pristine World War II airfield gives a comprehensive look at atomic development and aviation history.
Price, Utah

Prehistoric Museum

The natural history of Utah is on full display inside this museum.
St. George, Utah

Electric Theater

The first motion picture theater in southern Utah, reimagined and renovated as an arts hub.
Kanab, Utah

Coral Pink Sand Dunes

Colorful sand dunes create a unique attraction in this part of Utah's red-rock country.
West Mercur, Utah

Mercur Cemetery

This creepy, abandoned cemetery is all that remains of a once booming mining town.
Vernal, Utah

First Lady Dolls

An oddly specific collection of handmade dolls remembers the women of the White House.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Site of the World's First KFC

In 1952, this restaurant began selling the Colonel's “secret” recipe.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Solitude Speedway

An enormous image of Utah's salt flats made entirely from tape.
Wendover, Utah

Metaphor: The Tree of Utah

A 90-foot-tall psychedelic "tree" on the side of the highway has baffled passersby for decades.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Anderson Tower Monument

This granite monument at the site of an ill-conceived tourist attraction is built from the same stone as the Mormon Temple.
Duchesne County, Utah

Kings Peak

The highest peak in Utah is the hardest to reach, but only if explorers choose the hard way.
Panguitch, Utah

Butch Cassidy's Childhood Home

The notorious Wild West outlaw was raised in this unassuming abode.
Payson, Utah

Devil's Kitchen

A dazzling display of red rocks weathered into spires and hoodoos.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Snelgrove Ice Cream Cone

This giant ice cream cone is the last remaining icon of a Salt Lake City staple.
Moab, Utah

Upheaval Dome

This raised bulls-eye visible from space was the subject of an intense geologic controversy.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City Public Library

Visitors to this library are in for a real-world education in modernist architecture.
Monticello, Utah

Newspaper Rock

One of the world’s largest collections of petroglyphs records 2,000 years of human activity.
Wendover, Utah

Bonneville Salt Flats / Bonneville Speedway

Come for the speed, leave in love with the desert.
Monroe, Utah

Mystic Hot Springs

One man has installed bathtubs into the Utah desert floor to harness the powers of a natural hot spring.
Teec Nos Pos, Utah

Four Corners Monument

The marker offers a rare chance to be in four U.S. states at once, though there's some controversy over its geographic accuracy.
Hartford, Connecticut

Cathedral of St. Joseph

This Connecticut chapel is a starkly modern, and surprisingly colorful, architectural rebel.