mence's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sydney, Australia

Sirius Building

Though considered an eyesore by some, this boxy Brutalist high-rise plays a significant role in Sydney's past.
Washington, D.C.

Capitol Bollards

The 5.5-mile ring of steel posts around the Capitol Building is one of the largest (and most uniform) of its kind in the world.
North Fremantle, Australia

Dingo Flour Sign

Visible from both land and sea.
New York, New York

William Lescaze Townhouse

New York City's first Modernist house.
Brooklyn, New York

Do the Right Thing Way

Spike Lee's provocative film is officially honored right where it was made, the first time a work of art was used as a secondary street name.
New York, New York

St. Luke's Place Coal Hole Covers

These ornate manhole covers were used for a now-forgotten purpose.
Venice, Italy

Squero di San Trovaso

Where Venice's gondolas go for a tune-up.
Washington, D.C.

Georgetown Waterfront

The little-known, 300-year history of the area includes former lives as a bustling tobacco port, parking lot, and industrial dump.
Washington, D.C.

Federal Reserve Tennis Court

The only tennis court that falls under the jurisdiction of the central bank.
London, England

Earl's Court Police Box

The Metropolitan Police refurbished the blue box (perhaps not coincidentally) the same year "Doctor Who" returned to TV screens.
New York, New York

The Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

The home of the first American-born saint is one of the only curved buildings in New York.
Washington, D.C.

Carousel on the National Mall

Washington's iconic carousel has a nice piece of Civil Rights history.
Sydney, Australia

'Forgotten Songs' Sound Sculpture

A collaboration of art and ornithology mourns the calls of Sydney's lost birds.
New York, New York

Spring Street Salt Shed

This simple Manhattan salt house is artfully shaped... well, like a giant granule of salt.
New York, New York

Hare Krishna Tree

One of the few remaining American elm trees in New York’s Tompkins Square Park was the birthplace of a new religion.
New York, New York

The Oldest Fence in New York

Built hundreds of years ago this downtown iron barrier once protected a much despised king.
New York, New York

Wall Street Bombing Scars

Unrepaired walls from a 1920 anarchist bomb attack.
New York, New York

The Forgotten Entrance to Clinton Hall

Hidden in one of New York's oldest subway stations is the final remnant of the site of the bizarre Shakespeare Riots.
New York, New York

Chinatown's Bloody Angle

Avoid gangster interaction while window-shopping.
New York, New York

New York Marble Cemetery

A hidden "place of interment for gentlemen."
New York, New York

Private Passage

Wine bottle sculpture with a ship's stateroom inside.
New York, New York

Grand Central Terminal Whispering Gallery

Whisper secrets in a busy station only to be heard on the other side of this acoustic arch.
Brooklyn, New York

Sunset Park's 68th Precinct

I fought the law and the precinct caved in.
New York, New York

190 Bowery

The greatest real estate coup of all time.