nbj914's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Alaska
Places edited in Michigan
Places added to Alabama
Places added to Michigan
Places edited in Kentucky
Places added to Arkansas
Places added to Australia
Places edited in Canada
Places added to Kenya
Shijiazhuang, China

Jade Burial Suits

Stone shrouds of Prince Liu Sheng and Princess Dou Wan of the Han Dynasty, created to preserve their flesh for eternity.
Paju, South Korea

Third Tunnel of Aggression

Secret North Korean passage discovered below the world's most dangerous border.
Houston, Texas

Art Car Museum

At the "Garage Mahal" in Houston, car culture is about more than just driving.
Davis, California

Davis Toad Tunnel

Special tunnels built so that frogs won't be killed when crossing the highway.
Greensburg, Kansas

The Big Well

The United States's largest hand-dug well is topped with a state-of-the-art museum.
Halong City, Vietnam

Hang Sung Sot

Ha Long Bay's "Cave of Surprises" houses a popular phallic rock formation.
Grangewilliam, Ireland

Conolly's Folly

Obelisks and stone pineapples in the Irish countryside.
New York, New York

Irish Hunger Memorial

Blighted Irish field and the ruins of a 19th-century cottage on the edge of urban Manhattan.
Ascension Island

Ascension Island

Remote, volcanic island that Darwin, Hooker, and the Royal Navy shaped into a thriving, artificial ecosystem.
London, England

Darwin Centre Spirit Collection

Repository for more than 22 million pickled specimens.
Saint Peter's, Montserrat

Montserrat's City of Ash

A city continually buried under the ash of a volcano that has been erupting for more than 15 years.
Palos de la Frontera, Spain

Rio Tinto (Red River)

Considered the birthplace of the Copper Age and Bronze Age, the river is tinted red from 5,000 years of mining.
Mundare, Alberta

The World's Largest Sausage

Massive kielbasa stands 42 feet tall and weighs in at 12,000 pounds.
Long Beach, Washington

Marsh's Free Museum

Home of Jake the Alligator Man, the mummified remains of a cigar smoking, cross-dressing celebrity of the Northwestern coast.
La Vega, Dominican Republic

El Carnaval de la Vega

Largest pre-Lent festival in the Dominican Republic.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Clock Tower (Torre dell'Orologio)

Go inside to really appreciate this 500-year-old technological masterpiece.
Oakland, California

Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon

Dive bar built out of the remains of a whaling ship.
Baltimore, Maryland

Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death

Eighteen miniature death-scene dioramas.

Mount Thor

Earth's greatest purely vertical drop at 4,101 feet.
Grand Marais, Minnesota

Devil's Kettle

Half of a waterfall goes into the river while the other half seems to disappear.
Oakland, California

Kinetic Steam Works

Collective dedicated to restoring steam engines.

The Last Bois Dentelle Trees

Only two of these trees remain in the natural world, found high in the cloud forest of the island of Mauritius.

Q'eswachaka Rope Bridge

Keshwa chaca, among the last handwoven Incan bridges, crosses Apurimac Canyon in Peru.
Tambon Saen Suk, Thailand

The Wang Saen Suk Hell Garden

Walk through depictions of the torture inflicted on those who go to Buddhist hell.