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Places visited in Valladolid, Mexico
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Tacoma, Washington

Thornewood Castle

"The House That Love Built" is shying away from "The House That Ghosts Love."
Morristown, Tennessee

The 'Evil Dead' Cabin

All that's left of the quintessential "cabin in the woods."
Los Angeles, California

Halloween House

Everyone remembers Laurie Strode from Halloween, but this is the house where most of the blood was shed.
Culver City, California

Holy Cross Cemetery

A bright California graveyard with a decidedly dark side.
Wilmington, North Carolina

Museum of the Bizarre

A curious collection of oddities including a lock of Alexander Hamilton's hair and Harry Houdini's ouija board.
Tambon Sa Kamphaeng Yai, Thailand

Wat Sa Kamphaeng Yai Hell Garden

Gruesome statues of people reborn in Buddhist hell stand among the ruins of an 11th-century sanctuary.
Tambov, Russia

Museum of Sin

A homemade anatomical collection of medical anomalies and accidental catastrophes.
Providence, Rhode Island

H.P. Lovecraft House

Last residence of H.P. Lovecraft featured in his story "The Haunter of the Dark."
Salem, New Hampshire

Mystery Hill: America's Stonehenge

America's oldest archaeological site or a muddled case of wishful thinking.
Providence, Rhode Island

Stephen Harris House

A simple Colonial home with a past haunted by death and madness.
Nanwei, Micronesia

Nan Madol Ruins

The ruins of an ancient island city built atop a coral reef in the South Pacific are spectacular and strange enough to have inspired H.P. Lovecraft.
Providence, Rhode Island

Fleur-De-Lys Studio

An architectural statement of artistic intent smack in the middle of Providence, Rhode Island's Colonial uniformity.
Boston, Massachusetts

Copp's Hill Burying Ground

This landmark cemetery in Boston was created more than 300 years ago.
Oakland, California

Bay Area Thelemic Temple

A temple devoted to inner esoteric mysteries located in a California commercial strip.
Zugarramurdi, Spain

Museo de las Brujas (Witches Museum)

A museum dedicated to the Spanish occult in a town that was terrorized by the Inquisition.
Baltimore, Maryland

Ouija 7-Eleven

This simple convenience store sits on the location where the Ouija board was named—and has a plaque to prove it.
Monticello, Utah

Home of Truth

This ghost town was once a cult-like religious utopian settlement.
Huntington Park, California

Saydel Inc.

Where religious effigies, magic soaps, and occult candles are brought to customers at wholesale prices.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mercado de Sonora

Superstitious? Discover the witchy side of Mexico through its largest esoteric market.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's House of Voodoo

A museum and shop on Bourbon Street located in the French Quarter.
La Paz, Bolivia

Bolivia's Witch Market

Popular tourist destination where witches in dark hats sell dried llama fetuses for good luck.
Rapa, Poland

Rapa Pyramid

A peculiar family mausoleum built by a German nobleman captivated by the occult.
Cleveland, Ohio

Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick

A collection of witchcraft artifacts and occult paraphernalia started by the leader of the Long Island Coven.
Nykøbing Falster, Denmark

Museum Obscurum

This secret collection of the strange and occult was rediscovered in a forgotten room of an old house.