phelpsm610's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Richmond, Virginia

Sharp's Island

This historic, one-acre island is the only legal place to camp in the city of Richmond.
Goldvein, Virginia

Hornet Balls

These massive concrete balls were used to mine gold in Virginia.
Arlington, Virginia

Joseph Marthon Memorial Mainmast

The naval commander’s proudest moment in battle is memorialized in this unique tomb at Arlington Cemetery.
Williamsburg, Virginia

Lord Botetourt

Affectionately known as "Lord Bot," this historic statue has a cult social media following and rightly claims to be “the most metal inhabitant of the Wren Yard.”
Alexandria, Virginia

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution

The final resting place of an unidentified revolutionary soldier sits behind a Virginia church.
Fredericksburg, Virginia

Monument to the Angel of Marye's Heights

The Kirkland Monument remembers a selfless Civil War hero who braved the battlefield to give water to his dying enemies.
Lexington, Virginia

The Skin of Little Sorrel

The hide of Stonewall Jackson's equine sidekick is on display not far from where the ashes of his bones are buried.
Fairfax, Virginia

Fairfax Nike Missile Site

A lone historical marker off the highway and scattered debris are all that remain of this Cold War-era missile site.
Chincoteague Island, Virginia

Misty of Chincoteague

The taxidermy remains of the most popular pony in children's literature.
Newport News, Virginia

The Mariner's Museum and Park

The maritime museum that boasts the largest nautical library in the western hemisphere.
Danville, Virginia

AAF Tank Museum

This sprawling museum holds one man's giant collection of real tanks.
Petersburg, Virginia

The Crater

An innovative attempt to break a siege in the American Civil War still scars the earth today.
Fairfax, Virginia

National Firearms Museum

Collecting 700 years of mechanical death-dealing, the NRA's sprawling gun museum is a revealing testament to the American obsession with armament.
McLean, Virginia

Patowmack Canal

The semi-reclaimed ruins of this canal were once part of an ambitious plan to reroute the mighty potomac.
Broad Run, Virginia

Ruins of the Chapman Beverley Mill

This pre-Revolutionary War grist mill ground corn and flour for soldiers in seven American wars.
Virginia Beach, Virginia

The Witch of Pungo Statue

This statue is dedicated to Grace Sherwood, the last person in Virginia to be convicted of being a witch.
Arlington, Virginia

Dark Star Park

This unique historical monument features large concrete spheres designed to resemble fallen stars.
Dayton, Virginia

Mole Hill

One of the last active volcanoes on the Eastern seaboard.
Locust Grove, Virginia

Grave of Stonewall Jackson's Arm

The resting place of a Civil War celebrity's amputated limb.
Virginia Beach, Virginia

The Bunny Hutch

The home of pigs, snakes, chameleons, and the alleged largest bunny in the United States.
Fairfax Station, Virginia

Bunny Man Bridge

This Virginia railway overpass is said to be haunted by a serial killer in a rabbit costume.
Richmond, Virginia

Hollywood Cemetery

The final resting place of two (or three) presidents, one vampire, and 18,000 Confederate soldiers.
Natural Bridge, Virginia

Dinosaur Kingdom II

An alternate history park where the Union Army loses the war... to dinosaurs.
Richmond, Virginia

Ruins of Belle Isle

A small Richmond island dotted with the remnants of hundreds of years of history.