pstone555's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Belleville, Wisconsin

Stewart Tunnel Ice Formations

Every winter, the wind carves blocks of frozen water into beautiful abstract shapes inside this unusually curved tunnel.
Gurdon, Arkansas

The Gurdon Light

A mysterious light floating in the trees of Arkansas may be a piezoelectric effect.
Carthage, Missouri

Boots Court Motel

This historic motel standing at the "crossroads of America" offers a radio in every room and was saved by local protesters.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Oersoep

A Dutch passageway's artistic, aquatic-themed makeover pays tribute to the capital city's famed waterways.
Suminoe-ku, Japan

Osaka Maritime Museum

An abandoned giant glass dome sits in the bay in “the Venice of the East.”
East Lansing, Michigan

Moist Towelette Museum

Housed in the university planetarium, the thousand-strong collection of tiny towelettes includes a used one from the hosts of Car Talk.
Estes Park, Colorado

Baldpate Inn Key Collection

The world's largest key collection features keys to the White House, Frankenstein's castle, and Hitler's bunker.
St. Louis, Missouri

Chuck Berry's House

The red brick house where the father of rock 'n' roll wrote some of his classic hits.
La Paz, Bolivia

Cementerio General

In La Paz's huge, city-sized cemetery, the deceased are stored in rows of apartment-like buildings.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Pinball Museum

Couple's personal collection of pinball machines turned public pinball museum.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Underground

A walk through the historic city center, under the streets of Seattle.
Queens, New York

TWA Flight Center at JFK Airport

This futuristic airport terminal was abandoned for decades before reopening as a hotel—with a vintage plane of its own parked out back.
Alamada, Philippines

Asik-Asik Falls

This wondrous waterfall rushing down a green-covered mountain wasn't discovered until 2010.
Jackson, Mississippi

The Mississippi River Basin Model

Built by prisoners of war, the largest small-scale model ever built includes eight miles of tiny streams that now sit abandoned.
New York, New York

Lexington Candy Shop

The oldest family-run luncheonette in New York, last renovated in 1948, still serves food and drinks the old-fashioned way.
Tottori-shi, Japan

The Sand Museum

Giant sand sculptures of famous people and places are on display near the Tottori sand dunes.
Cave City, Kentucky

Funtown Mountain

An abandoned theme park with a strange and tumultuous past.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Icelandic Punk Museum

This tiny museum's sizable collection is jammed into a former underground public toilet.
Waxhaw, North Carolina

The Museum of the Alphabet

Trace the history of writing at this unusual North Carolina destination.
Las Vegas, New Mexico

Dwan Light Sanctuary

A futuristic temple of light uses prisms and rainbows to create an atmosphere of peace.
Amarillo, Texas

Cadillac Ranch

A sculpture made of 10 Cadillacs as a monument to the "Golden Age" of the American automobile.
Quemado, New Mexico

The Lightning Field

In the remote high desert of New Mexico, a strange array of poles beckon fury from above.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Roden Crater

The artist James Turrell is repurposing an extinct volcano crater as an observatory to experience the cosmos.
Hiko, Nevada

Complex City

Michael Heizer's masterwork in the Nevada Basin.