raquel9e's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Mengwi, Indonesia

Ogoh-Ogoh Museum

A small museum full of giant effigies of Bali's demons and monsters.
Magelang, Indonesia


Hundreds of Buddhas in a re-discovered Indonesian temple.
Bantimurung, Indonesia

Prehistoric Cave Art of Maros Pangkep

These 40,000-year-old stenciled hands are older than the famous cave art in France and Spain.
East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Padar Island

Once home to Komodo dragons, this island dreamscape has a rare combination of white, pink, and black sand beaches.
Ubud, Indonesia

Sacred Monkey Forest (Mandala Wisata Wenara Wana)

Hindu temple of the dead home to hundreds of long-tailed macaques.
Manitou Springs, Colorado

Miramont Castle Museum

This enigmatic building features numerous architectural styles.
Fruita, Colorado

'Mike the Headless Chicken' Sculpture

It would be easy to walk past this unusual piece of art and have no idea it pays tribute to the odd life of a real chicken.
Trinidad, Colorado

Art Cartopia Museum

A roadside attraction filled with an astounding array of gloriously wacky vehicles.
Creede, Colorado

Wheeler Geologic Area

This once-popular otherworldly landscape was formed by one of the largest volcanic eruptions in history.
Dolores, Colorado

Geyser Spring Trail

Colorado's only true geyser is hidden within the San Juan National Forest.
Cripple Creek, Colorado

Vindicator Valley Trail

This Colorado hiking trail provides a small gold mine of abandoned gold mines.
Durango, Colorado

Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad

This spectacular track has run continuously since 1882.
Los Angeles, California

The Munch Box

A 1950s Googie burger stand is now a Los Angeles landmark.
Williamsburg, Virginia

The King’s Arms Tavern

Dine like an American revolutionary at Colonial Williamsburg.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Watecha Bowl

Chef Lawrence West serves up Indian tacos, wojapi, and other Lakota dishes at the brick-and-mortar incarnation of his popular food truck.
Hong Kong

Sun Hing Restaurant

A half-century-old handmade dim sum joint opens daily at 3:00 a.m.
Shanghai, China

Confucian Temple of Shanghai

A prestigious learning institute of old Shanghai.
Shanghai, China

1930 Folk Street

This tunnel looks like a sliver of Shanghai that's stuck in the past.
Shanghai, China

Guangfulin Relics Park

This theme park presents 5,000 years of Shanghai history and includes a "sunken" exhibition hall.
Kashan, Iran

Bazaar of Kashan

A historic trade hub teeming with gorgeous architecture, colorful goods, and vibrant designs.
Yazd, Iran

Zoroastrian Towers of Silence

Putrefaction plateaus in Iran, where the dead were sent for decontamination before going to their final resting place.
Baltimore, Maryland

Round Falls

Once part of a dam servicing an early 19th century grist mill, the tucked-way falls are a tricky-to-find urban oasis.
Baltimore, Maryland

Mr. Trash Wheel

This bug-eyed water wheel uses the power of the Sun to clean up Baltimore Harbor.
Baltimore, Maryland

Ministry of Brewing

An abandoned church gets a second life as a massive beer hall and event space.