rebekah anderson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Laurel, Maryland
Places edited in Oak Hill, West Virginia
Places edited in Alderson, West Virginia
Places visited in Alderson, West Virginia
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Staunton, Virginia

Abandoned DeJarnette Sanitarium

A former mental hospital founded in the 1930s by a eugenicist who advocated for the forced sterilization of patients.
Rock, West Virginia

Lake Shawnee Amusement Park

This abandoned amusement park was built on a site with a dark history.
Thurmond, West Virginia

Thurmond, West Virginia

Once connected to the outside world by a single train track, this ghost town is looked after by the National Park Service.
Oak Hill, West Virginia

Glen Jean School

An abandoned 1920s school with a mysterious history.
Alderson, West Virginia

Alderson Academy

This abandoned school has had many lives since the early 1900s, and all of them doomed.
Beech Mountain, North Carolina

Land of Oz Theme Park

A former Oz-themed attraction that has fallen into disrepair, but still holds some of the original magic.
Green Bank, West Virginia

Green Bank Telescope

The world's largest fully steerable radio telescope.
Cass, West Virginia

Cass Scenic Railroad

Take a steam-powered ride straight out of the past on this Appalachian rail line.
Laurel, Maryland

Forest Haven Asylum

This abandoned asylum was once a state of the art facility before devolving into one of the most deadly mental institutions in American history.