safaris99's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Urfa, Turkey


A sacred lake with thousands of sacred carp and a biblical history.
Istanbul, Turkey

Rumeli Hisari

This half-forgotten fortress was constructed by the Ottoman conqueror of Constantinople.
Kayadere, Turkey

Nemrut Dagi

Mausoleum and Holy Seat of Antiochus I of Commagene.
Istanbul, Turkey

Kaiser Wilhelm Fountain

A fountain standing as a testament to a doomed alliance.
Istanbul, Turkey

Serpent Column

Ancient serpentine sacrifice holder that has stood the test of time.
Çumra, Turkey


The largest Neolithic ruins in the world hide a notably clean prehistoric metropolis.
Istanbul, Turkey


Climb a steep hill in 90 seconds on the second-oldest urban subway in the world.
Istanbul, Turkey

Pudding Shop (Lale Restaurant)

This crucial gathering spot along the "hippie trail" still displays old notes between traveling beatniks and backpackers.
Akarsu Köyü, Turkey

Sumela Monastery

A Turkish monastery tucked into a cliff wall.
Istanbul, Turkey


Large miniature theme park with 100-plus models.
Kemer, Turkey

Olympos Coastal National Park (Çıralı)

Roman ruins, natural methane fires and a lovely beach.
Doğubeyazıt, Turkey

Ishak Pasha Palace

Standing proud atop a Turkish bluff, this Ottoman palace has retained its grandeur despite being abandoned for centuries.
Serik, Turkey

Aspendos Theater

The best-preserved ancient theater in the world.
Istanbul, Turkey

Hagia Sophia Wishing Column

Legend says if you stick your thumb in the hole and it gets wet, your wish will be granted.
Istanbul, Turkey

Piri Reis Map at Topkapi Palace

1513 Turkish world map, full of European state secrets and snarky commentary.
Derinkuyu, Turkey

Derinkuyu Underground City

The deepest underground city in Turkey was designed to protect 20,000 people behind massive stone doors.
Istanbul, Turkey

Obelisk of Theodosius

This remarkably well-preserved Egyptian plinth is pretty well traveled for a giant piece of stone.
Kaleüçağız Köyü, Turkey

Kekova Island Sunken Ruins

Hidden just under the waters around this Turkish island are the ruins of a once great city.
Çanakkale, Turkey


This famous city eluded concrete detection until the early 2000's.
Fethiye, Turkey

Lycian Rock Tombs

These tombs were built into the side of a mountain so that ancient angels could reach the dead.
Denizli, Turkey

Pamukkale Water Terraces

Roman ruins top white travertine terraces formed by ancient hot springs.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.
Aksaray, Turkey


In this historic region, homes and churches are carved into ancient volcanic rock formations.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Shofuso Japanese House and Garden

Philadelphia boasts one of the best — and most often overlooked — traditional Japanese gardens in North America.