sarauytterhaegen's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Urbania, Italy

Chiesa dei Morti (Church of the Dead)

Eighteen mummies have stood guard behind the altar of this tiny church since 1833.
Zadar, Croatia

Sea Organ

A musical instrument played by the sea.
Zadar, Croatia

Pillar of Shame

Now harmless, this looming post struck fear into the heart of medieval troublemakers.
Hove, England

Armada Beacon

This large torch on the Hove coastline helped Sir Francis Drake defend England from the Spanish fleet.
Brighton, England

Remains of the Royal Suspension Chain Pier

Half-drowned wooden stumps and stone blocks are all that remain of a Victorian landing that was destroyed by storms.
Malmedy, Belgium

The Tomb of Mr. Hawarden at Malmédy

A gender-bending antihero's grave, where lies the inspiration for both book and film.
Antwerp, Belgium

St. Anna's Tunnel

Rare wooden escalators lead deep down into an otherwise staggeringly monotonous tiled tunnel.
Lyon, France

Metallic Tower of Fourvière

Lyon's miniature version of the Eiffel Tower was built as a statement in support of French secularism.
Lyon, France

The Flower Tree

A colorful piece of contemporary art cheerfully clashes with Lyon's historical architecture.
Porqueres, Spain

Bosc de Can Ginebreda

A darkly erotic open-air statuary in Catalonia.
Breezanddijk, Netherlands


The 20-mile causeway that separates the Netherlands from the sea.
Moorslede, Belgium


This Belgian theme park began as a refuge for bored church children and was closed down when a boy lost an arm.
Diksmuide, Belgium

Vladslo German Military Cemetery

Visitors to this Belgium graveyard are greeted by the grieving stone parents of the young men lost to war.
Dinant, Belgium

The Charles de Gaulle Saxophone Bridge

A whimsical bridge uses saxophones to pay tribute to two great men and the European Union.
Geel, Belgium

Geel, Belgium

A pilgrimage site where people ask Saint Dymphna to watch over those who are not of sound mind.
Leuven, Belgium

Fons Sapientiae

This whimsical statue dumps water on its head to symbolize knowledge flowing into his brain. Or maybe booze.
Antwerp, Belgium

Plantin-Moretus Museum of Printing

Most prolific publishing house in the 1600s open to the public.
Waimes, Belgium

Signal de Botrange

The highest point in Belgium is a staircase to nowhere.
Brussels, Belgium

Jeanneke Pis

Brussels' favorite peeing boy has a sister.
Brussels, Belgium

Maison de la Bellone

This modern arts center is built around a gem of late-Baroque architecture.
Bruges, Belgium

Basilica of the Holy Blood

Christ's blood allegedly preserved in a Belgian town.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Uprising Monument

A tribute to the Polish insurgents who fought in the failed attempt to end their city's Nazi occupation.
Warsaw, Poland

Chopin's Heart

After the famous composer died in Paris, his sister snuck his heart out of the country to honor his wish that it be buried in their native country.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Fotoplastikon

A 20th-century picture show in 3-D.