sarienvd's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Amsterdam, Netherlands

Museum Vrolik

A curious collection dedicated to human and animal anatomy and pathology.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Torture Museum

Museum preserving torture methods from the past.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Poezenboot (The Cat Boat)

A floating cat sanctuary on an Amsterdam canal.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nieuwe Spiegelstraat

An Amsterdam street lined with antique shops each one dedicated to a different obscure collection.

Diskobukta Kittiwake Colony

Thousands of birds nest in the cliffs while arctic foxes prowl below.

Keiko's Memorial Cairn

Mound of stones marking the burial site of the world's most famous orca.
Narvik, Norway

Z2 Georg Thiele Shipwreck

The rusted hull of a WWII German destroyer pokes above the surface in a Norwegian fjord.
Øygarden kommune, Norway

Ocean Wave Power Plants

Ruins of two abandoned stations destroyed by the power they sought to harness.
Hellvik, Norway


The largest cave in Northern Europe.
Vardo, Norway

Steilneset Memorial

The people murdered during a 17th-century Norwegian witch hunt have been honored with a pair of stark, modern installations.
Kristiansand, Norway

Kristiansand Kanonmuseum

The last fully functional fortress of Germany's World War II Atlantikwall.
Barentsburg, Norway


This Arctic mining town is home to a cat that's spent years masquerading as a fox.
Stor-Elvdal, Norway

Storelgen (The Big Moose)

The world's largest moose statue towers above the highway between Oslo and Trondheim.
Oslo, Norway


Oslo's historic toboggan run has been letting thrill seekers slide from train stop to train stop for over a century.
Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger Cathedral

Norway's oldest cathedral still in use.
Stavanger, Norway

Iron Age Farm

A reconstructed farm shows what life was like in Norway 1,500 years ago.
Aurland, Norway

Laerdal Tunnel

Longest road tunnel in the world features an air treatment plant and the illusion of daylight.
Vågsøy, Norway

Kannesteinen Rock

Thousands of years of crashing waves gave this mushroom-shaped rock its svelte figure.
Tønsvik, Norway

Tromsø Arctic Reindeer Experience

At this Arctic outpost, get to know members of the indigenous Sámi community and meet their herds.
Tromsø, Norway


The world's northernmost aquarium looks like it has fallen over.
Pyramiden, Norway


This abandoned mining village was predicted to resist decay longer than any other modern human settlement.
Longyearbyen, Norway


In the northernmost city in the world, it's illegal to be buried because it’s too cold for bodies to decompose.
Nordkapp, Norway

North Cape

At the very tippity-top of Europe is a cliff from which you can view the midnight sun.
Flåm, Norway

Ægir Brewery

A Viking-style brewpub named for a Norse sea giant, in the heart of fjord country.