Satsu's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Genoa, Italy

Palazzo San Giorgio

Once home to one of the oldest banks in the world, this building is also where Marco Polo's famous travelogue was written.
Market Harborough, England

The Old Grammar School

This iconic building was founded as a school for the impoverished, but became one for the sons of the local gentry.
Pirgi, Greece


This medieval "painted village" is famous for its geometric facades.
Rome, Italy

The Water Clock

This hydrochronometer was invented by a Dominican monk and is a prime feature in this garden.
Lerwick, Scotland

Shetland Library

This public library still showcases its former life as a 19th-century church.
Odense, Denmark

St. Canute's Cathedral

The last Viking king of Denmark is buried inside the crypt of this cathedral.
Agra, India

John Hessing's Tomb

Also known as the "Red Taj Mahal."
London, England

Odeon Covent Garden

Formerly known as Saville Theatre, this mid-20th-century entertainment hub includes an ornate frieze.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Observatory

When this 18th-century observatory's meridian was moved, it set Sweden's time back by 0.04 seconds.
Portland, Maine

The Portland Observatory

The only remaining historic maritime signal station in the United States.
Sacramento, California

Tower Bridge

Art Deco stylings conceal the true nature of this bridge.
Turin, Italy

The Dome of San Lorenzo

The intricate geometry inside this Baroque-style dome was designed to create "terror of the human soul."
Honolulu, Hawaii

Ali’iolani Hale

Once the site of the Hawaiian monarchy, this building was originally designed as a palace.
Faro, Portugal

Palace of Estoi

The extravagance of Portugal’s "Pink Palace" resulted in a noble title being awarded to its owner.
Suzhou, China

Ruiguang Tower

The earliest pagoda built in the beautiful Panmen Scenic Area of Suzhou.
Nottinghamshire, England

Rufford Abbey

The undercroft is a spectacular example of medieval Cistercian architecture.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon

Witnesses claim the Virgin Mary statue outside the church once mysteriously shed a single tear.
Nottinghamshire, England

1960s Hyperbolic Paraboloid Gas Station Canopy

One of the earliest large-scale "hyper" roofs in the U.K. is now a derelict roadside attraction.
Rome, Italy

Sedia del Diavolo

According to local folklore, this Roman sepulcher was once a throne for the Devil.
Hertfordshire, England

Old Gorhambury House

These ruins of Francis Bacon's once-magnificent manor are hidden in the English countryside.
Angers, France

La Maison d'Adam (Adam's House)

A medieval house adorned with enigmatic carvings, including one of a man displaying his masculine attributes.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv Institute of Information

This exquisite, alienesque piece of Soviet architecture is being threatened by modern shopping malls.
Lincoln, England

High Bridge

The oldest of the three remaining bridges in England with buildings on top of them.
Dresden, Germany


Tourists often confuse this beautifully ornate former cigarette factory for a mosque.