scoutboy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Panaji, India
Places edited in Tangier, Morocco
Places visited in Tomar, Portugal
Places edited in Malacca, Malaysia
Places edited in Marseille, France
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Woking, England

'The Martian'

An enormous alien invades Woking, England, as an homage to the H.G. Wells classic 'The War of the Worlds.'
New York, New York

Patent Pending

Nikola Tesla's former home contains an homage hidden from plain sight.
Mbarara, Uganda

Igongo Cultural Centre

One of the most detailed and historically accurate collections of Ugandan artifacts depicting Bahima tribal history, culture, and daily life.
Nairobi, Kenya

Carnivore Restaurant

Kenyan restaurant is a carnivore's paradise, serving exotic meats at its ultimate 'Beast of a Feast.'
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Virunga National Park

The most biologically diverse protected area in Africa is also the most dangerous.
Prague, Czechia

David Černý's Embryo

One of the famous Czech artist's lesser-known Prague installations appears to be a glowing fetus affixed to a drainpipe.
Firminy, France

Saint-Pierre of Firminy

This church looks more like a spaceship than a house of worship.
Richmond, Virginia

Richmond Airport Civil War Fortifications

The airport was once a Civil War battleground, and the earthwork defenses can still be seen today.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The Dubai Frame

The world's largest frame offers spectacular views of the city's past and present.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv Crematorium

This oddly shaped building is a surprising Soviet-era crematorium.
Bughendera, Uganda

Semliki Safari Lodge

Nestled in Uganda's Semliki Valley Wildlife Reserve, is a one-of-a-kind safari lodge.
La Convención Province, Peru

Pongo de Mainique

A paradisical gorge with rapids, waterfalls, and wildlife whose raw beauty is the stuff of CGI movies.
Bruges, Belgium

House Bouchoute

The compass on its front was a handy tool for 17th-century merchants who needed to know the direction of the wind.
Nyabushozi, Uganda

Lake Mburo National Park

Uganda's smallest savannah park is home to over 350 species of birds and mammals.
Marovoay, Madagascar

Ambalabongo Canyon

The runoff from these fiery cliffs sends red water flowing into the sea.
Madrid, Spain

Dolmen de Dalí

The only urban monument in the world designed by the great surrealist painter Salvador Dalí.
Manzanares el Real, Spain

The Ibex of La Pedriza

This species of wild goat stars in witchy legends and frolics among the park's eerie rock formations.
Ramah, New Mexico

Inscription Rock at El Morro

Some 2,000 carvings show this rare desert spring has been an oasis for travelers for over a thousand years.
Cuilapam de Guerrero, Mexico

Princess Donají Tomb

This abandoned convent keeps the tomb of a legendary beheaded princess.
Oslo, Norway

'She Lies'

This floating sculpture of ice is a poignant reminder of nature's power.
London, England

Hoa Hakananai'a

The "lost friend” is the most famous of the six moai statues that were removed from Easter Island.
Louisville, Kentucky

Belle of Louisville

The oldest operating Mississippi River–style steamboat still navigates the Ohio River.
Oxford, England

Oxford Botanic Garden

The fantastic charm of England's oldest botanical garden has made it a place of writerly inspiration for centuries.
Papantla, Mexico

Pirámide de los Nichos (Pyramid of the Niches)

The singular ruins of a mysterious lost city.