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Places visited in Xilin Gol, China
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Istanbul, Turkey

Galata House Restaurant

Housed in an old British jail, this spot serves up Georgian, Russian, and Ukrainian specialities with a side of Turkish history.
Istanbul, Turkey

Isa Yusuf Alptekin Park

A tiny park in the middle of some big power politics.
Karabağ Köyü, Turkey

Cathedral of Mren

This ancient abandoned church in a remote part of Turkey is in danger of falling over.
Sultaniye Köyü, Turkey

House of the Virgin Mary

The alleged house of the Virgin Mary is tucked away in a park and nature preserve on Mt. Koressos in Turkey and is holy to both Catholics and Muslims alike.
Istanbul, Turkey

Rumeli Hisari

This half-forgotten fortress was constructed by the Ottoman conqueror of Constantinople.
Kuşadası, Turkey


A charming beach town in Turkey captures all the colors of the rainbow.
İkizler Köyü, Turkey

Armenian Cathedral of the Holy Cross

An ancient church on a tiny island covered in stone bible stories has controversially been turned into a museum.
Kemer, Turkey

Olympos Coastal National Park (Çıralı)

Roman ruins, natural methane fires and a lovely beach.
Doğubeyazıt, Turkey

Ishak Pasha Palace

Standing proud atop a Turkish bluff, this Ottoman palace has retained its grandeur despite being abandoned for centuries.
Istanbul, Turkey

Camondo Stairs

A gorgeous, Gaudí-esque stairway constructed in the city of Istanbul by a prominent Jewish family.
Kaleüçağız Köyü, Turkey

Kekova Island Sunken Ruins

Hidden just under the waters around this Turkish island are the ruins of a once great city.
Shenzhen Shi, China

Window of the World

130 replicas of world wonders squeezed into just 118 acres of space.
Qianxi County, China

Submerged Great Wall of China

Thanks to the building of a life-giving reservoir, part of the Great Wall of China is now a dive site.
Hangzhou, China

Shi Cheng

China's very own Atlantis is an ornate dynastic city resting at the bottom of a lake.
Xianyang, China

Chinese Pyramids of Xian

Enormous burial mounds of ancient emperors.
Xilin Gol, China

Dinosaurs Fairyland

Jurassic theme park in the small town of Erlian.
Lijiang, China

Blue Moon Valley

A bright turquoise river cascades beautifully down stepped terraces in southern China.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai's 1933 Slaughterhouse

Rivers of cattle blood gone, a strange Escheresque building remains, the last of its kind.
Datong, China

Yungang Grottoes

Massive series of 45 caves and over 51,000 sculptures carved from cliffsides in China.
Beijing, China

Great Wall of China Slide

Why walk on this historical site when you can zoom down instead?
Demre, Turkey

Church of St. Nicholas

This church houses the tomb—but not the remains—of St. Nicholas, the likely progenitor to Santa Claus.
Urfa, Turkey


A sacred lake with thousands of sacred carp and a biblical history.
Örencik, Turkey

Gobekli Tepe

This hunter-gatherer architecture is believed to be the oldest religious complex known.
Istanbul, Turkey

Ottoman Bird Palaces

The ornate miniature mansions were built for Istanbul's feathered residents.