smaezane's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Houlton, Maine

Maine Solar System Model

This massive solar system model is sprawled out across Maine's suburban wilderness.
Woodstock, Maine

The World's Largest Telephone

A giant telephone commemorates the last "crank" call ever made in the U.S.
Newry, Maine

Artist's Bridge

A century after his death, this covered bridge still calls to mind the plein air painter who loved it.
Yarmouth, Maine


The world's largest rotating world.
Freeport, Maine

The Desert of Maine

This tiny patch of arid sand sits in one of the greenest states in the United States.
Portland, Maine

International Cryptozoology Museum

The world's only international cryptozoology museum is host to an unrivaled collection of mysterious objects.
New York, New York

Antonín Dvořák's Home

The place where Dvořák composed some of his most famous works.
New York, New York

Dvořák Room

A small piece of the composer's New York home lives on in the center of Czech culture in Manhattan.
Staten Island, New York

Conference House

During the American Revolution, this mansion hosted failed peace talks between the British and Americans.
Chicago, Illinois

Cosmic Ray Detectors

One of the largest pieces of scientific equipment ever carried on a NASA space shuttle sits in a Chicago alley.
Chicago, Illinois

World Artifacts on the Tribune Tower Walls

Fragments of architectural wonders from around the globe are embedded in the newspaper building's walls.
Chicago, Illinois

The U.S. Pizza Museum

In Chicago, a pizza-enthusiast has opened a museum dedicated to the history of pizza.
New York, New York

The Narrowest Building in New York

This slender three-story building has also had several famous residents.
Chicago, Illinois

The DNA Discovery Center

At Chicago's revered Field Museum, visitors are invited to learn about and literally explore DNA.
Chicago, Illinois

Thorne Miniature Rooms

Each of these gorgeous, intricately decorated rooms is painstakingly crafted to the scale of 1 inch: 1 foot.
Chicago, Illinois

Palmer House Hilton

This historic hotel invented the chocolate brownie.
Chicago, Illinois

Money Museum

This museum celebrating the almighty dollar lets visitors literally stand in the shadow of a million bucks.
Chicago, Illinois

Obama Kissing Rock

The site of the first couple's first kiss is commemorated by the most adorable presidential monument ever.
Chicago, Illinois

Wicker Park Secret Agent Supply Co.

This shop for all your super spy needs hides an educational secret.
Chicago, Illinois

Oz Park

This whimsical Oz-themed park had a wonderful impact on the surrounding neighborhood.
Dearborn, Michigan

Edison's Last Breath

A sealed test tube said to hold Thomas Edison's dying breath was given to the inventor's friend and mentee, Henry Ford.
Queens, New York

Cassinelli Pasta

The oldest pastificio in Queens offers visitors fresh noodles and a peek inside the macaroni-making magic.
New York, New York

Rat Rock in Morningside Heights

This giant boulder is sandwiched between apartment complexes in upper Manhattan.
Brooklyn, New York

'The Dinner Party'

This enormous banquet-themed artwork honors over 1,000 notable women throughout history.