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Places visited in Lincoln, England
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Palasë, Albania

Big Bunker

Climb into Albania's communist history while enjoying a spectacular ocean view.
Kodër Spaç, Albania

Spaç Prison

This abandoned prison was so notorious that its name has become a metaphor throughout Albania.
Gliwice, Poland

Slik House Weichmann

An early creation by Erich Mendelsohn.
Warsaw, Poland

Gnojna Góra (Dung Hill Lookout Point)

Catch a scenic view of Warsaw's Old Town from the top of a centuries-old dumping ground.
Leśniewo, Poland

Leśniewo U-Boat Locks

Built to transport German U-boats through the never-completed Masurian Canal, the locks near this Polish village are now home to a rope course.
Treblinka, Poland

Muzeum Treblinka

A somber memorial honors the hundreds of thousands of lives lost at this labor and extermination camp.
Świebodzin, Poland

Internet Antennas of Christ the King

This towering statue of Jesus provided internet to the surrounding area.
gołdapski, Poland

Stańczyki Viaducts

The two abandoned overpasses are among the largest bridges in Poland.
Bydgoszcz, Poland

Museum of Soap and History of Dirt

Come to this Polish museum to take a good, clean look at filth.
Wrocław, Poland

Monument In Honor of the Slaughtered Animals

In the center of Wrocław's old meat market stands a somber tribute to the city's livestock.
Gdańsk, Poland

Monument to the Defenders of the Polish Post Office

Modern art commemorates one of the first military actions of World War II.
Poznań, Poland

Edmund Szyc Stadium

An abandoned football stadium with a tragic past.
Warsaw, Poland

Battle of Grunwald Painting

This enormous 32-foot painting depicts Poland's greatest medieval battle in glorious detail.
Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland

Zakłady Włókien Chemicznych

Dubbed "Wistom" by locals, this abandoned factory is an urban explorer's dream.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw's Chopin Benches

Special benches that play Chopin's music are scattered throughout his native city.
Warsaw, Poland

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Museum

This biographical museum honors the groundbreaking scientist at her birthplace in Warsaw.
Sopot, Poland

Krzywy Domek - Crooked House

This fairytale inspired, warped building houses restaurants, shops, and a radio station.
Warsaw, Poland

Chopin's Heart

After the famous composer died in Paris, his sister snuck his heart out of the country to honor his wish that it be buried in their native country.
Warsaw, Poland

The Blue Palace

Once home to some 250,000 volumes and priceless art artifacts, this Polish estate was a target of bombing during World War II.
Warsaw, Poland

The Monument Tree of Pawiak

A bronze replica of an elm tree that honors the victims that perished in Pawaik Prison.
Wierzbica, Poland

Sadpol Strawberry

The giant metal fruit was once the symbol of a large farm.
Warsaw, Poland

Mieszko the Stone Bear

Legend says this is actually a heartbroken prince waiting for his true love's kiss.
Kladno, Czechia

'Kladenská koule' ('Kladno Ball')

This spherical sculpture has also been dubbed "the steel orange" due to its likeness to a massive, sliced piece of citrus.
Putim, Czechia

Putim Ossuary

The mystery of the Putim Ossuary involves a tricorn hat.