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Algiers, Algeria

Opera d'Alger (Algiers Opera House)

A new landmark that fosters cultural exchange between traditions.
Algiers, Algeria

Martyrs' Memorial

This massive monument towers over the city as a constant reminder of the lives lost during Algeria's hard-won war for independence.
Oran, Algeria

Sacred Heart Cathedral of Oran

This former cathedral is now a bustling library packed with students and pigeons.
In Amguel, Algeria

Amguid Crater

One of the best-preserved impact craters on the planet is located in the middle of the Sahara Desert.
Tamanrasset, Algeria


A century-old stone hermitage overlooks this remote pass in the Hoggar mountains, surrounded by a landscape of eroded volcanic cores.
Batna, Algeria


Classical ruins that remember ancient Rome's presence in Africa.

Tassili n'Ajjer

The abstract sandstone rock formations at this Algerian national park are rich with prehistoric art.
Constantine, Algeria

Sidi M'Cid Bridge

This dizzying span over the ancient Algerian city was once the highest suspension bridge in the world.
Tipaza, Algeria

Tipasa Roman Ruins

An extraordinary mix of Phoenician, Roman, early Christian, and Byzantine ruins beautifully set overlooking the Mediterranean.
Tipaza, Algeria

Royal Mausoleum of Mauretania

The original resting place of Queen Cleopatra and Mark Antony's only daughter.
Ajdabiya, Libya

Atiq Mosque

Early Islamic mosque with several strange conical domes.
Tarabulus, Libya

Arch of Marcus Aurelius

This triumphal arch is the only fully standing structure that remains from Roman-era Oea.
Al-Khums, Libya

Leptis Magna

Magnificent Roman ruins lie vulnerable to destruction on the edge of the Mediterranean.

Waw an Namus

Surrounded by a smudge of dark earth, this isolated volcano sits in stark contrast to the surrounding Sahara.

Gaberoun Oasis

A deserted Bedouin village lines the shores of this stunning desert oasis.
Qasr al Hajj, Libya

Qasr al-Haj

A fortress-like granary that has been continually in use for more than nine centuries.
Gadamis, Libya


A beautiful oasis town dating back to the Roman period still serves as reprieve from the brutal summer sun in Libya.
Ghat, Libya

Acacus Mountains

Landscape of bizarrely shaped desert mountains and innumerable rock carvings.
Subaytilah, Tunisia

Baptismal Pool

A superb Paleo-Christian baptismal pool is preserved among the ruins of ancient Sufetula.
Hara Sghira Er Riadh, Tunisia


An awesome blend of traditional architecture and street art.
Hammat-al-jarid, Tunisia

El Hamma Water Cooler

Geothermal resources are cooled in this oddly-shaped structure before being used for irrigation
Menzel Jemil, Tunisia

Rimel Beach

An eerie ship cemetery with gunfire as a soundtrack.
Guermassa, Tunisia


A charming Amazigh village carved into a mountaintop.
Tunis, Tunisia

Villa Yvonne

A ghostly mansion in the middle of downtown Tunis.