stevencdavis89's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Irish Memorial at Penn's Landing

An Irish Memorial commemorating those who perished due to potato blight.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Foucault Pendulum at the Franklin Institute

A daily replay of the experiment that proved the rotation of the Earth.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Rocky Statue

Yo, Adrian!
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Eastern State Penitentiary

World's first "penitentiary," meant to be humane, drove men insane.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mütter Museum

America's most famous museum of medical oddities is home to the remains of Albert Einstein's brain.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Shofuso Japanese House and Garden

Philadelphia boasts one of the best — and most often overlooked — traditional Japanese gardens in North America.
Lake Harmony, Pennsylvania

Hickory Run Boulder Field

A field of nothing but boulders which resembles a giant's gravel driveway.
Ephrata, Pennsylvania

The Ephrata Cloister

What looks like a simple quaint estate in rural Pennsylvania was in the 18th century home to a small monastic community.
Reading, Pennsylvania

The Reading Pagoda

A failed piece of Orientalism has become the proud symbol of a community.