Susie Armitage's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn's Converted Pencil Factory

Constructed in the 1920s, this former pencil factory is now an office building.
Bandiagara, Mali

Bandiagara Escarpment Cliff Dwellings

These homes carved into the mountains seem to defy the laws of nature.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Arsenalna Metro Station

The deepest metro station in the world.
Brooklyn, New York


A cargo of beautiful music.
Ulan-Ude, Russia

Ulan-Ude Ethnographic Museum

A uniquely authentic display of traditional Russian culture.
Moscow, Russia

Hotel Ukraina

The tallest hotel in Europe.
Moscow, Russia

Lenin's Mausoleum

This building holds the embalmed remains of the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Tivoli Gardens

Copenhagen's celebrated theme park and gardens.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Little Mermaid

The de facto symbol of Copenhagen is this bronze fairytale which cannot seem to keep its head for very long.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Freetown Christiania

Danish tourist destination well known for open stalls where vendors sell marijuana on the street.
New York, New York

Explorers Club Headquarters

A treasure trove of artifacts, books, and artwork from the "golden age" of exploration.
Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Arecibo Observatory

The world's second largest single-dish radio telescope, once used to contact E.T.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mütter Museum

America's most famous museum of medical oddities is home to the remains of Albert Einstein's brain.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Hash, Marijuana and Hemp Museum

The history and future of cannabis.
San Jose, California

The Winchester Mystery House

A peculiar mansion built by the troubled heir to the Winchester Rifle Company fortune.
Santa Cruz, California

Santa Cruz Mystery Spot

A "gravitational anomaly" located in the redwood forests just outside of Santa Cruz, California.
Oakland, California

Children's Fairyland

This Oakland fairytale kingdom, fiercely devoted to childlike whimsy, was an early inspiration for Disneyland.
Paris, France

The Last Original Standard Metre

An overlooked marble is the only surviving in-place 18th century example of the measurement that changed how we define distance.
Paris, France

Centre Pompidou

An "inside out" building in the historical center of Paris, featuring Europe’s largest modern art museum.
Paris, France

Salvador Dalí Sundial

A surrealist timepiece by the artist of melting clocks.
Paris, France

Shakespeare and Company

This iconic Parisian bookstore doubles as the "Tumbleweed Hotel" for traveling writers.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Kunstkamera (Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography)

The oldest museum in Russia is home to a fascinating collection of nearly two million anthropological artifacts and anatomical curiosities.
Washington, D.C.

Frederick Douglass's House, Cedar Hill

The famous abolitionist’s preserved estate is one of Washington's finest monuments to its great Black citizens.
Washington, D.C.

National Building Museum

Fittingly, America's museum of architecture is itself a magnificently designed old building.