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Places visited in Rye, New Hampshire
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Brooklyn, New York

Commercial Street Cat Village

Feral cats keeping the rodent population at bay all across Greenpoint waterfront.
New York, New York

New York's Oldest Phone Number

Need to book a room at the Hotel Pennsylvania? Just dial up 6-5000.
Brooklyn, New York

Site of Continental Iron Works

Where the Monitor was launched and ushered in the age of the "ironclads."
Brooklyn, New York

Transmitter Park

Once a ferry dock, radio transmitter, and now a new Greenpoint park.
New York, New York

Ear Inn

One of the city’s oldest watering holes was originally the home of a famous James Brown (not that one).
Mason, New Hampshire

The Uncle Sam House

The childhood home of the meat inspector who would become the face of America.
Rye, New Hampshire

Pulpit Rock Tower

The only one of New Hampshire's original 14 World War II watchtowers to survive in near-original condition.
Milford, New Hampshire

Caroline Cutter Headstone

A New Hampshire grave with a grudge.
Hudson, New Hampshire

Benson's Park

A former zoo turned public park, where visitors can hang out in the old animal cages.
Barnet, Vermont

Harvey's Lake: Home of Jacques Cousteau's First Dive

The place where the great marine explorer first learned to work underwater is not where you'd expect.
Windsor, Vermont

American Precision Museum

This historic folk museum celebrates the attention to detail that makes America great.
Underhill, Vermont

Wampahoofus Trail

This path is named for a mythical half-boar, half-deer creature that once roamed the Green Mountains.
Putney, Vermont

Santa's Land

A classic roadside attraction on Vermont's historic Route 5.
Derby, Vermont

Haskell Free Library and Opera House

This unusual building straddles two countries.
New Haven, Vermont

Grave of Timothy Clark Smith

A tomb with a window to ensure the interred wasn't buried alive.
Pembroke, Maine

Reversing Hall Agrarian Library

An agricultural research library housed in a former Odd Fellows Lodge.
Rumford, Maine

Grand Derangement Memorial

Plaque remembering the 18th century forced relocation of Acadians.
Biddeford, Maine

One Blue Sky Mural

A mural of a boy making a phone call connects a southern Maine community to a town in Iraq.
Bethel, Maine

Maine Mineral & Gem Museum

A showcase of geologic history is home to one of the largest collection of lunar meteorites on Earth.
Monson, Maine

Gulf Hagas

The “Grand Canyon of Maine” is a three-mile gorge full of striking geological features.
Boothbay, Maine

Kenneth E. Stoddard Shell Museum

A son's promise to his dying father in the form of a covered bridge filled with thousands of seashells.
Northwest Piscataquis, Maine

Eagle Lake Tramway

Steam engines and conveyor belts are remnants of a genius system left in the middle of the Maine woods.
York, Maine

Boon Island Light

New England's tallest light house stands on an island with a history of cannibalism and death.
Portland, Maine

Battery Steele

Explore the dark underground corridors of this graffiti-covered former military fortification.