tenzin35's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Casablanca, Morocco
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Labruge, Portugal

Praia de São Paio

Iron Age runes and ruins hide in plain sight along this Portuguese beach.

Shell Beach

A nesting ground for four of the world’s seven marine turtle species, most of which are endangered.
Neskowin, Oregon

Neskowin Ghost Forest

The eerie remnants of an ancient forest were hidden under the sand for centuries.
Borgholm N, Sweden

Neptuni Åkrar

An otherworldly, fossil-rich cobble beach holds Viking graves, cairns, and other remains.
Waterloo, England

Crosby Blitz Beach

Much of what constituted mid-century Liverpool now litters a beach outside of town.
Panguila, Angola

Cemitério de Navios (The Ship Cemetery)

Abandoned ships along a deserted beach feel like the set of a post-apocalyptic thriller.

Iona's Beach

When waves crash onto this section of beach, the rocks sing a song.
Bakersfield, California

Last Woolworth's Lunch Counter

An antique store houses the last operational diner from the defunct department store chain.
San Francisco, California

Doggie Diner Head

This grinning pup statue is all that's left of what was once a ubiquitous Bay Area diner chain.
Arcadia, California

Denny's Windmill

A relic from a forgotten bakery chain still spins atop a diner.
Los Angeles, California

Brown Derby

Outposts of this restaurant chain were shaped like jaunty chapeaus.
Hartsville, South Carolina

The Last Yogi Bear Honey Fried Chicken Restaurant

The sole remaining outpost of a once-thriving South Carolina chain still sells “pic-a-nic” baskets.
Lake George, New York

The Last Howard Johnson's

All that remains of the once-booming chain is a single orange-roofed restaurant.
Rockville, Utah

Grafton Ghost Town

Settled by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1859, this abandoned frontier town has appeared in several films.
Drummond, Montana

Garnet, Montana

This amazingly preserved Gold Rush town is a historian's dream.
Bridgeport, California

Bodie State Historic Park

Standing in a state of "arrested decay," this ghost town allows for a detailed peek into Gold Rush life in an unusually harsh climate.
Egg Harbor City, New Jersey

Batsto Village

This historic iron-working village is now a ghost town so immaculate that it looks as though it was recently built.
Weatherly, Pennsylvania

Eckley Miners' Village

This eerily well-preserved coal town was saved from destruction by a Sean Connery movie.
Yermo, California

Calico Ghost Town

A desert ghost town—occupied for only 12 years—was once home to more than 500 silver mines.
Stanley, Idaho

Custer Ghost Town

See just what life was like in a 19th-century prospecting town.
Chitina, Alaska

Kennicott Ghost Town

The ghostly remains of what was once the world's richest copper mine.
Bisbee, Arizona

Erie Street, Historic Lowell

A living snapshot of a different time in America is preserved and maintained by a community of volunteers.
Central City, Colorado

Nevadaville Ghost Town

This deserted Gold Rush town is home to a Masonic lodge that, strangely enough, still holds meetings.
Eagle, Alaska

Fort Egbert

This remote fort on the Yukon River is a vestige of the wild Alaska gold rush.