tiernoodle's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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McArthur, Ohio

Moonville Tunnel

The only remnant of a small mining town is an abandoned railroad tunnel that is steeped in ghostly lore.
Mansfield, Ohio

BibleWalk Wax Museum

This recycled wax museum may be the only one that features John Travolta in a Bible scene.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Oklahoma City Underground

Travel through the hidden underbelly of the city in colorful tunnels filled with art and history exhibits.
Terre Haute, Indiana

Smith Memorial Labyrinth

Modeled after the labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral, this small-town Indiana memorial labyrinth sits half a world away.
Indianapolis, Indiana


This former office building has been transformed into an immersive music venue and art space.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Museum of Psychphonics

A modern-day wunderkammer dedicated to Indianapolis history, Afrofuturism, and musical vibrations.
Indianapolis, Indiana

The Ruins

Once adorning a New York skyscraper, these reclaimed ruins now haunt an Indiana park.
Springfield, Ohio

Hartman Rock Garden

A miniature world of concrete and stone in Springfield, Ohio.
Dublin, Ohio


The inventor of a number of hybrid corn species is immortalized with a field of giant corn.
Columbus, Ohio

Gates of Hell

The entrance to this sinisterly named tunnel hides behind a Tim Hortons.
Columbus, Ohio

Arnold Schwarzenegger Statue

A bronze of the man in all his sinewy glory celebrates his longtime connection to the Ohio city.
Delaware, Ohio

The Rutherford B. Hayes Birthplace Gas Station

A gas station has taken the place of the home of the 19th American President.
Hinckley, Ohio

Worden's Ledges

Faces carved into the cliffs create an otherworldly walking trail.
Cleveland, Ohio

Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick

A collection of witchcraft artifacts and occult paraphernalia started by the leader of the Long Island Coven.
Cleveland, Ohio

The Haserot Angel

The angel of death appears to weep black tears at this grave marker.
Euclid, Ohio

Hillandale Bridge

This abandoned bridge to nowhere stands secluded in the woods of a Cleveland suburb.
Erie, Pennsylvania

Schaefer's Auto Art

A quirky collection of outsider art made from automobile parts.
Brocton, New York

Marmaduke Statue

The world's only statue dedicated to the greatest Great Dane in comic strip history.
Eden, New York

Original American Kazoo Company

This two-room factory has been cranking out the musical signifier of zaniness for a century.
Berkeley, California

Wat Mongkolratanaram

Every Sunday, this Thai temple in Berkeley serves a backyard brunch.
Berkeley, California

Cafe Ohlone

This restaurant offers the original California cuisine.
Kyoto, Japan

Otagi Nenbutsu-ji Temple

Twelve hundred stone carvings guard this off-the-beaten-path Buddhist temple.
Koganei, Japan

Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum

Thirty architectural gems from the 19th- and early 20th-century Tokyo were restored and relocated to this space.
Kawasaki, Japan

Ajinomoto MSG Factory

One of the largest producers of MSG in the world welcomes visitors to its Kawasaki factory with an albino panda named Aji-Kun.