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Berlin, Germany

The Bebelplatz

The site of the famous Nazi book burning campaign of 1933 remembers its "Night of Shame".
Berlin, Germany

‘Trains to Life – Trains to Death’

A haunting contrast of trains that both saved and took the lives of Jewish children in Nazi Germany.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin-Friedrichstrasse Railway Station

Cold war icon and onetime "hole" in the iron curtain.
Berlin, Germany

Museum für Naturkunde

Berlin's natural history museum houses the world's largest mounted dinosaur and the late beloved polar bear Knut.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism

Dedicated to the European Sinti and Roma peoples murdered during the Holocaust.
Berlin, Germany

Soviet Graffiti in the Reichstag

The walls of Germany's Parliament still show the scars of the Red Army takeover in World War II.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism

A memorial in the Tiergarten is a reminder of the suffering inflicted on homosexuals by the Nazi regime.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Berlin, Germany

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church

An imperial church bombed to ruins during WWII now stands as a jagged memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Bahnhof Berlin Zoologischer Garten

Metro station with a claim to rock n' roll fame.
Berlin, Germany

Messedamm Underpass

You've probably seen these distinctive orange-tiled columns on the big screen.
Berlin, Germany

Dahlem-Dorf U-Bahn Station Benches

A traditional U-Bahn station in Berlin gets a string of rather untraditional benches.
Berlin, Germany

Tempelhof Airport

Berlin's old airport.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.
Berlin, Germany

'Molecule Man'

This monumental work of art symbolizes the coming together of a previously divided city.
Berlin, Germany

Stasi Museum

A museum dedicated to the history of a terrifying secret police is now held in their former headquarters.
Berlin, Germany


An eerie, derelict amusement park in Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

Gärten der Welt (Gardens of the World)

Gardens representing parts of Asia, Europe, and the Mid East are tucked away among the Soviet-style buildings in East Berlin.
Staufen im Breisgau, Germany

The Cracking Buildings of Staufen

A geothermal energy project gone wrong is fracturing the city's picturesque architecture.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Haus zum Walfisch

This Late Gothic building that once housed Erasmus is now known as the filming location of "Suspiria."
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Freiburg Bächle

These paved rills bring freshwater into Altstadt and could spell wedding bells for whoever stumbles into the waters.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Brewers’ and Bakers’ Guild Windows at Freiburg Münster

This medieval cathedral houses stained-glass windows featuring saints and pretzels.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Mooning Gargoyle of Freiburg Minster

A stonemason's hilarious revenge came in the form of this peculiarly positioned gargoyle.