tomholmes8's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Holmegaard, Denmark

BonBon Land

The greatest amusement park in the world is wall-to-wall farting dogs, puking rats, and cows with exposed breasts for the whole family.
Ringkøbing, Denmark

Hvide Sande Nazi Bunkers

Remnants of the Nazis' occupation of Denmark linger along the sand.
Skørping, Denmark

Thingbæk Kalkminer

An old limestone mine transformed into a beautiful and unusual sculpture museum.
Bryrup, Denmark

Velling Koller Fairy Tale Gardens

The decaying remains of a 1960s mechanical wonderland that never officially closed.
Hillerød, Denmark

Frederiksborg Castle

This striking royal residence is the largest Renaissance-style castle in Scandinavia.
Dronninglund, Denmark

Voergaard Castle

This Danish castle is supposedly haunted by a woman too independent to not be a witch.
Billund, Denmark

Legoland in Billund

The original home of the Lego has a huge amusement park dedicated to the iconic plastic toy.
Kastrup, Denmark

Kastrup Sea Bath

This ultra-modern wooden boardwalk turns the ocean into a swimming pool.
Lejre, Denmark

Land of Legends

This Denmark theme park is part family attraction, part experimental archaeology project.
Samsø Municipality, Denmark

Samsø Labyrinten

The world's largest maze is a nature park with nearly 200 decision points.
Frederiksberg, Denmark


A 19th-century subterranean reservoir repurposed as a contemporary art cave.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Little Mermaid

The de facto symbol of Copenhagen is this bronze fairytale which cannot seem to keep its head for very long.
Helsingør, Denmark

Kronborg Castle (Elsinore)

Old Danish castle immortalized in Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Stoholm, Denmark

Mønsted Kalkgruber

Nearly 40 miles and 1,000 years of limestone mines under Denmark.
Slagelse Municipality, Denmark

Trelleborg Viking Ring Fortress

A perfectly circular stronghold constructed in the 10th century is now a nucleus of Viking culture housing a museum, village, and reenactment of an epic Viking battle.
Klampenborg, Denmark


The oldest amusement park in the world has been providing a nice spot to have some fun since the 1500s.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Tivoli Gardens

Copenhagen's celebrated theme park and gardens.
Brno, Czechia

Brno Dragon

This hanging crocodile is thought to be the "dragon" that once plagued a Czech city.
Jáchymov, Czechia

Hotel Radium Palace

Visitors flock to the historic birthplace of radiobalneology for its therapeutic radium treatments.
Znojmo, Czechia

Znojmo Catacombs

This network of conjoined cellars was riddled with traps and supposedly allowed the townspeople to pretend their homes were deserted.
Pilsen, Czechia

Pilsen Historical Underground

Underneath the city that invented pilsners are a series of historic tunnels that have been storing beer for centuries.
Ostrava, Czechia

Lower Vítkovice

A massive 1830s industrial site once known as Czechia's "Iron Heart" has been transformed into a playground of science, technology, and art.
Cvikov, Czechia

Pekelné Doly (Mines of Hell)

The largest manmade caves in Europe now function as a motorbike club's headquarters.
Dolní Morava, Czechia

Dolní Morava Sky Walk

The world's greatest slide descends 18 stories from this looping mountaintop viewing platform.