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Places visited in Townsend, Tennessee
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Denver, Colorado

Ralph Carr Memorial, Sakura Square

In a small Japanese garden off a busy Denver street, a memorial to a brave, principled politician.
Denver, Colorado

"The Yearling"

A Rocky Mountain city provides a happy ending for a pinto pony and his Brobdingnagian red chair.
Del Norte, Colorado

Madonna of Penitente Canyon

A mural of the Virgin of Guadalupe painted on the rock wall by canyon's religious namesake.
Loveland, Colorado

Loveland’s Sweetheart Couple

A tribute to Loveland’s most famous sweethearts, who helped spread cupid’s message to millions.
Denver, Colorado

Enchanted Hart Haus

A home covered with elaborate mosaic and other pieces of art.
Gateway, Colorado

Sewemup Mesa

A remote sandstone plateau named for a legendary cattle rustler.
Lake City, Colorado

Slumgullion Earthflow

This National Natural Landmark is one of the best examples of a “mass wasting” in the world.
Leadville, Colorado

Camp Hale Ruins

The remnants of the base where US Army troops learned how to fight in extreme conditions.
Fairplay, Colorado

Rocky Mountain Land Library

This 19th-century ranch is being transformed into a residential library with thousands of books about the natural world.
Bedrock, Colorado

Horse Collar Arch

A unique arch graces the Dolores River Canyon near the Hanging Flume.
Winter Park, Colorado

Rollins Pass Game Traps

Paleoamericans built these ancient walls high in the Colorado Rockies as part of an extensive hunting system.
Paradox, Colorado

Hanging Flume

The decaying ruins of a failed mining company’s water diversion project cling to the side of a desert canyon.
Delta, Colorado

Ute Council Tree

The giant stump of the once towering cottonwood where Ute people held tribal meetings.
Central City, Colorado

Madam Lou Bunch Day

Central City celebrates its most famous madam by racing beds down Main Street.
Minturn, Colorado

Julia’s Deck

An ADA-accessible trail and deck offering stunning views of Colorado’s Mount of the Holy Cross.
Morrison, Colorado

Walker Mansion Ruins

This massive home was constructed by one of the greatest conservationists in Colorado history.
Nathrop, Colorado

St. Elmo Ghost Town

This nearly abandoned town was once a thriving mining community until a series of fires.
Keyes, Colorado

3 Points Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma

This marker identifies the location where three states converge.
Longmont, Colorado

Dougherty Museum

Antique automobiles, phonographs, organs, and farm equipment.
Bailey, Colorado

The Sasquatch Outpost

A museum dedicated to the mysterious cryptid.
Winter Park, Colorado

Rifle Sight Notch

This old train trestle and collapsed tunnel once allowed the railroad to negotiate the steep slopes of the Colorado Rockies.
Marble, Colorado

Marble Mill Site Park

The site of a defunct mill, that once supplied marble for the construction of the Lincoln Memorial.
Del Norte, Colorado

Penitente Canyon Wagon Tracks

Historic, 19th-century wagon wheel ruts cut into soft volcanic ash.
La Junta, Colorado

Bent's Old Fort

Once a lonely sentinel on the edge of the Great Plains, this rebuilt trading fort offers a glimpse of life on the Santa Fe Trail.