tuckll's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tampa, Florida

La Segunda Central Bakery

This century-old bakery produces 18,000 loaves of traditional Cuban bread every day.
Tampa, Florida

Henry B. Plant Museum

Step back into the glory days of Florida's nascent tourism industry at this Gilded Age palace.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Fort Mifflin

This little-known Revolutionary War fort is supposedly haunted by the ghosts of its past.
Rome, Italy

Orto Botanico di Roma

An oasis of beauty, tranquility and botanical research in the middle of Rome.
Rome, Italy

Tarpeian Rock

In the early Roman Empire, people deemed traitors and criminals were tossed to their deaths from this rock.
Rome, Italy

Basilica di San Clemente

A Nesting Doll of Churches.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tiny Hidden Houses on Westerstraat

Seven mini rowhouses fill the gap between 54 and 70 Westerstraat.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Stadsbank van Lening (City Bank of Lending)

The facade of this bank has changed little over the centuries, including its unique welcome sign.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


The last of Amsterdam's original sea level markers remaining in place.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Singel 7

Amsterdam's narrowest house facade is a monument to 17th-century tax evasion.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Gable Stones

In the days before house numbers, these colorful signs held clues about various buildings' purposes.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Zevenlandenhuizen (Seven Country Houses)

A set of seven houses, each built in a style that represents a European country.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Six Collection

A rare tour of an aristocrat's private home reveals valuable 17th-century paintings from artists like Rembrandt.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Kleine Trippenhuis

One of Amsterdam's narrowest houses is located right across the canal from its widest.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Hash, Marijuana and Hemp Museum

The history and future of cannabis.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Poezenboot (The Cat Boat)

A floating cat sanctuary on an Amsterdam canal.
Valencia, Spain

Dama Ibérica

This sculpture in Valencia features 22,000 tiny, obsidian blue figures that pay homage to the Lady of Elche.
Valencia, Spain

Central Market of Valencia

This amazing example of Valencian Art Nouveau looks more like a cathedral than a public market.
Valencia, Spain

Holy Chalice of Valencia

Of the many chalices in the running for the Holy Grail, this one in Valencia Cathedral sure looks the part.
Valencia, Spain

La Mascletá

A daily pyrotechnic celebration marks a beloved tradition during Valencia's festival season.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Pizzeria San Marco

Sail in for a ’dam good slice.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Normaal Amsterdams Peil (Amsterdam Ordnance Datum)

Europe's official "zero-level," the equator of elevation.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Gloria Dei Old Swedes' Episcopal Church

The oldest active church in Pennsylvania is also the second oldest Swedish Church in the United States.
Murrells Inlet, South Carolina


The uniquely-designed winter home and sculpture studio of Anna and Archer Huntington.