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Places visited in Mosta, Malta
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Ridgmont, England

All Saints Church Ruins

This ancient Bedfordshire church was abandoned when the village's population slowly began migrating to new towns.
Bradwell-on-Sea, England

Chapel of St. Peter on the Wall

Constructed during the 7th century this is one of the oldest largely intact Christian churches in England.
Wakefield, England

Sandal Castle

Though much of the castle was robbed of its stones, the underlying earthworks are among the best-preserved in England.
Dale Abbey, England

Hermits Cave at Dale Abbey

Inspired by a dream, a hermit carved out a home in this sandstone bank to live a life of contemplation and prayer.
Bedale, England

Bedale Leech House

The only surviving leech house in the United Kingdom was a home for bloodsucking worms until the 1900s.
Wheatley, England

Wheatley Lock-Up

Over 100 years ago this pyramidal holding cell was reserved for rowdy drunks but now only offers five minute sentences.
Buxton, England

Chee Dale Stepping Stones

These unique stepping stones hug a river's edge to take hikers on a journey through a limestone gorge.
Berkeley, England

Temple of Vaccinia

The "father of immunology" used this humble hut to offer the local people some of the world's first free vaccinations.
Southampton, England

Ruins of Holyrood Church

Now a memorial to merchant sailors and Titanic victims, this medieval church was destroyed by bombing raids in 1940.
Oxford, England

The Norrington Room

Once one of the largest rooms full of books in the world, this bookstore basement is still a treat for bibliophiles.
Dudley, England

The Crooked House

This pub can leave even the sober feeling slightly unsteady.
Rotherham, England

The Chapel of Our Lady

This oddly placed 15th-century church is one of only six bridge chapels left in England.
Lincoln, England

High Bridge

The oldest of the three remaining bridges in England with buildings on top of them.
Totnes, England

The Leechwell

A historic holy well hidden near a charming English park.
Bristol, England

Blaise Hamlet

A quaint hamlet of nine cottages around a small green near Blaise castle.
Redruth, England

Carn Brea Castle

A 14th century castle built on the seat of a mighty giant.
Warwickshire, England

Baddesley Clinton

This medieval manor house was equipped with secret compartments for hiding priests.
Kent, England

Saltwood Castle

This Norman castle has been the scene of assassination plots, religious persecution, and Nazi conspiracies throughout its long history.
Nottinghamshire, England

King John's Palace Ruins

These bleak 800-year-old ruins were once the royal residence of choice for hunting in Sherwood Forest.
Oxford, England

Saint Margaret's Well

The medieval legend behind this holy well was one of the inspirations behind "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."
Todmorden, England

Stoodley Pike Monument

A stone obelisk towering over the surrounding countrysides beckons hikers across the rolling moors.
Ingleton, England

The Ingleton Trail

This amazing trail among the many waterfalls around Ingleton has been enchanting visitors since 1885.
Wadebridge, England

Doyden Castle

This remote castle was built to be a wealthy businessman's palace of vice but is now simply a historic vacation cottage.
Lincoln, England

Newport Arch

Modern commuters still pass through this 2,000-year-old Roman archway.