veelandy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Pescara, Italy

'L'approdo della Nave' ('The Ship Landing')

A galley-shaped memorial to the prisoners of an infamous fortress.
Rome, Italy

Antoninus and Faustina Temple

An ancient Roman temple first dedicated to an emperor's wife is now a church.
Rome, Italy

Arch of Dolabella

This small Roman arch was transformed into a dwelling by the founder of the Trinitarian Order.
Rome, Italy

Temple of Hercules Victor

This curious, round temple is the oldest still-standing marble building in Rome.
Rome, Italy

The Mouth of Truth

The yawning maw of this pagan visage is said to bite off the hands of liars.
Stokesay, England

Stokesay Castle

A 13th-century fortified manor house that was once sieged during the English Civil War.
Isle of Wight, England

Culver Battery

The now-quiet remains of coastal artillery defenses that were used in both World Wars.
Southampton, England

Ruins of Holyrood Church

Now a memorial to merchant sailors and Titanic victims, this medieval church was destroyed by bombing raids in 1940.
Lyndhurst, England

Bolton's Bench

According to legend, a noble knight and a terrible dragon lie beneath this storied hill.
Avebury, England

The Red Lion

The only pub in the world surrounded by an ancient stone circle.
Wiltshire, England


The largest stone circle in the world has ended up bringing up more questions than it has answered.
Wiltshire, England

Silbury Hill

Europe's largest prehistoric mound – burial site of a legendary king?
Wiltshire, England

West Kennet Long Barrow

It's possible to walk inside one of the largest Neolithic tombs in Britain.
Pewsey, England

Pewsey White Horse

This figure was cut into the hillside in 1937 to commemorate the coronation of King George VI.
Wiltshire, England

The Skeletons of Stonehenge

Ancient human remains unearthed around the iconic monument.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
Wiltshire, England


The first archaeological site discovered by aerial photography.
Salisbury, England

Figsbury Ring

Several Iron Age artifacts were discovered during excavations of this ancient site.
Salisbury, England

High Street Gate

This gate served as a small lock-up jail in the 14th century.
Salisbury, England

Old Sarum Castle

This modest relic, with rich history as a strategic fort through multiple eras.
Salisbury, England

Medieval Clock

The oldest working mechanical clock in the world.
Llanthony, Wales

Llanthony Priory

The remains of one of Wales’ great medieval buildings, with a pub in the cellar.
Rome, Italy

Torre Argentina (Roman Cat Sanctuary)

Hundreds of lucky felines haunt the ruins where Caesar was murdered.
Rome, Italy

Campo de Fiori

This ritzy Italian market is built around a statue of an unforgiven heretic who was burned for his belief in an endless universe.