Viv Gee's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Stockholm, Sweden

Vasa Museum

It houses the remains of a 17th-century version of the Titanic.
Madrid, Spain

Palacio de Longoria

One of the best examples of the modernist movement in Madrid.
Madrid, Spain

Toilet Cabinet of Ferdinand VII

The Spanish king's private bathroom embraced the idea of a porcelain throne.
Madrid, Spain

Ermita de San Pelayo y San Isidoro (Hermitage of Saint Pelagius and Saint Isidore)

The remains of this misplaced church were moved here stone by stone.
Madrid, Spain

Panteón de Hombres Ilustres (Pantheon of Illustrious Men)

The unfinished final resting place of some of Spain's most prominent politicians.
Madrid, Spain

Tío Pepe Sign

For decades, Puerta del Sol has been illuminated by a giant, guitar-wielding bottle of sherry.
Madrid, Spain

Ahuehuete del Buen Retiro ("El Abuelo")

One of Madrid's oldest trees, with a long and colorful history, resides in El Retiro Park.
Madrid, Spain

Our Lady of Almudena Cemetery

Five million people are laid to rest here, more than the population of Madrid itself.
Madrid, Spain

House of Beasts of Retiro Park

The remains of the second-oldest zoo in Europe can be seen within these library gardens.
Madrid, Spain

Kilometre Zero

A stone slab in Madrid marks the point from which the distances of Spain's national roads are measured.
Madrid, Spain

El Oso y el Madroño (The Bear and the Strawberry Tree)

This sweet-toothed bear searching for snacks has been a symbol of Madrid for decades.
Madrid, Spain

Museo Geominero

Earth's rocky history has rarely glittered so brightly as it does in this Spanish museum.
Madrid, Spain

'Witches' Sabbath (The Great He-Goat)'

This macabre masterpiece of a mural is one of Francisco Goya's "Black Paintings."
Madrid, Spain

Air Crash

A whimsical brother of the nearby Fallen Angel statue takes the falling part quite literally.
Madrid, Spain

Real Jardin Botanico

Over two centuries old and counting, Madrid's massive botanical garden contains one of Europe's only desert environments.
Madrid, Spain

Chamberí Ghost Station

Abandoned for decades, trains still pass through the now-restored remains of one of Madrid's first metro stations.
Madrid, Spain

Atocha Station Tropical Garden

A lush indoor jungle fills this bustling Madrid transportation hub.
Barcelona, Spain

Museu Frederic Marès

An eclectic collection of thousands of items owned by the sculptor Frederic Marès.
Barcelona, Spain

'El Petó de la Mort' ('The Kiss of Death')

A cemetery in Barcelona's Poblenou district is home to this touching funerary statue, which depicts death in the form of a winged skeleton.
Barcelona, Spain


This cafe offers a curated collection of treats and tipples made by monks and nuns.
Barcelona, Spain

Casa Batlló

One of Antoni Gaudí's most classic buildings is well-known for its "dragon-back" design.
Antwerp, Belgium

Museum Vleeshuis

This former guildhall with a bacon-like exterior is now home to a museum covering 600 years of Antwerp's musical history.
Antwerp, Belgium

Elfde Gebod

According to this bar, God gave an “11th commandment” to Antwerp: Thou shalt drink beer.
Antwerp, Belgium

Hand of Druon Antigoon

The legendary giant's severed hand sits on Antwerp's popular shopping street.