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Rome, Italy

Porta Alchemica

An alchemist's "magic door" stands in the middle of a Roman park.
Rome, Italy

The Aventine Keyhole

Rome's semi-secret peephole vista is also a former Crusader stronghold.
Rome, Italy

The Dome Illusion

A master of trompe-l'oeil creates a stunning, tourist-fooling dome out of a flat ceiling.
Rome, Italy

Quartiere Coppedè

Architectureal fantasy quarter of Rome.
Rome, Italy

Galleria Sciarra

This hidden Art Nouveau courtyard is an opulent feast for the eyes.
Rome, Italy

Torre Argentina (Roman Cat Sanctuary)

Hundreds of lucky felines haunt the ruins where Caesar was murdered.
Rome, Italy

Santa Maria della Concezione Crypts

The crypts of Capuchin friars decorated with the bones of over 4,000 friars, including an entire "crypt of pelvises."
Berlin, Germany

Weissensee Abandoned Children's Hospital

A state-of-the-art medical facility from the Imperial era is now a derelict ruin.
Berlin, Germany


The largest free-standing aquarium in the world resides in a hotel lobby in Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

The Clock of Flowing Time

An astonishingly accurate water clock that doubles as an hourly spectacle in this Berlin shopping area.
Berlin, Germany

Pressecafé Mural

A prime example of socialist modernist architecture, wrapped in a enormous fresco about the media.
Berlin, Germany

‘Trains to Life – Trains to Death’

A haunting contrast of trains that both saved and took the lives of Jewish children in Nazi Germany.
Berlin, Germany


A statue of an astronomer gazes at the sky as a tribute to Caroline Herschel.
Berlin, Germany

Käthe Paulus Memorial

A plaque marks the former home of Käthe Paulus, an aerial acrobat who invented the modern folding parachute.
Berlin, Germany

Haus des Lehrers

A socialist building dedicated to teachers showcases one of the largest Soviet mosaics in the world.
Berlin, Germany

Archenhold Observatory

This public observatory is home to the "celestial cannon," the longest pointable telescope in the world.
Berlin, Germany

Herta Heuwer Currywurst Memorial

A plaque on the side of a building is a small tribute to the woman who invented an iconic Berlin fast food.
Berlin, Germany

Alliierten Museum

This museum is home to a sugar sculpture of the Berlin Airlift Memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism

Dedicated to the European Sinti and Roma peoples murdered during the Holocaust.
Berlin, Germany

Babka & Kranz

Superb sweets await at the first Jewish bakery inducted into Berlin’s prestigious baker’s guild.
Berlin, Germany

Off-World Gaming

A dilapidated space station with overtones of 'Alien' and 'Bladerunner' featuring a multiplayer games galore.
Berlin, Germany

Fine Bagels

The best bagels in Berlin are tucked away in an independent bookstore.
Berlin, Germany

Konditorei Buchwald

For more than 170 years, this family-run bakery has been serving Berlin’s best Baumkuchen, or “tree cake.”
Berlin, Germany


Once a path for Jewish funeral processions, this unassuming alleyway is rich in local lore.