wendecrow's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lago de Atitlán

Central America's deepest lake is actually a volcanic caldera, surrounded by three volcanoes.
Chichicastenango, Guatemala

Chichicastenango Cemetery

One of the world’s most colorful cemeteries, where each pigment is symbolic.

Semuc Champey

Hidden deep in the Guatemalan jungle is a turquoise paradise of natural pools, caves, and waterfalls.
Shanghai, China

Flask and the Press

Leave the wardrobes and sweets to British schoolchildren, Shanghai's got a Coke machine that leads to booze.
Shanghai, China

Q Confucius Number 2

Lifelike statue of the Chinese philosopher in the bathtub.
Shanghai, China

Confucian Temple of Shanghai

A prestigious learning institute of old Shanghai.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai Circus World

China's most famous acrobatics act.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai's 1933 Slaughterhouse

Rivers of cattle blood gone, a strange Escheresque building remains, the last of its kind.
Beijing, China

Working People's Cultural Palace

This smaller cousin of the Forbidden City has gone from ancestral sacrifice to tourist's whispers.
Beijing, China

The Forbidden City

The most famous location in China was home to whole dynasties worth of imperial rulers.
Seoul, South Korea


The site where the Emperor of Korea performed the long-forbidden "rite of heaven" to demonstrate his absolute sovereignty.
Seoul, South Korea


A symbol of hope, survival, and national character, especially after it rose phoenix like from the flames.
Gyeongju, South Korea

Poseokjeong Pavilion

All that remains of an ancient royal palace is a water channel that was used for drinking games.
Seoul, South Korea

Dilkusha House (Albert W. Taylor House)

The former home of a foreign correspondent who reported on Korea’s independence movement has been restored and is open to the public.
Paju, South Korea

Dorasan Station

South Korea's largely symbolic, barely used gateway to the North.
Pohang, South Korea

Dokdo/Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks)

Japan and South Korea both lay claim to islands inhabited by one woman.
Paju, South Korea

Bridge of No Return

The site of many tense prisoner exchanges across the Military Demarcation Line between North and South Korea.
Paju, South Korea

Dora Observatory

The best place for scenic views of the DMZ and North Korea.
Busan, South Korea

Japanese Ruins of Busan

The 400-year-old remains of the samurai invasion of Korea.
Atlanta, Georgia

CDC Museum

Tour the sci-fi-esque reality of governmental disease management.
Atlanta, Georgia

Michael C. Carlos Museum

Located on the campus of Emory University, this museum is filled with objects from the Americas to ancient Greece.
Decatur, Georgia

Decatur Waterworks

Nature (and graffiti) reclaim this old waterworks that has been surrounded by a bike path and network of walking trails.
Decatur, Georgia

Waffle House Museum

A late-night restaurant empire was launched from this humble storefront.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mütter Museum

America's most famous museum of medical oddities is home to the remains of Albert Einstein's brain.