wermworm's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Places added to Colares, Portugal
Places visited in Braga, Portugal
Places added to Portugal
Places edited in Colares, Portugal
Places added to Porto, Portugal
Places edited in Portugal
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Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Bertrand

The world's oldest bookshop still in operation.
Sintra, Portugal

Castelo dos Mouros (Castle of the Moors)

An ancient and majestic fortress that played an integral role in Portugal's road to independence.
Lisbon, Portugal

Rhinoceros of Belem Tower

A king's pet, a pope's gift, an artist's inspiration, and a tragic shipwreck.
Cascais, Portugal

Boca do Inferno

A unique seaside cave where Aleister Crowley faked his own death.
Lisbon, Portugal

Carmo Convent Ruins

Legacy of the earthquake that nearly wiped Lisbon off the face of the Earth.
Faro, Portugal

Capela de Ossos Bone Chapel

This small chapel is built of human bones and decorated with a golden skeleton.
Cáceres, Spain

Vostell Malpartida Museum

An old wool-washing house filled with Fluxus contemporary art.
Toledo, Spain

Museo de la Tortura

A display of torture devices used in the Spanish Inquisition and other scourges of medieval Europe.
Santa Luzia, Portugal

Cemetery of Anchors

Dead weights honor the dead of Portugal's fishing industry.
Pinhal Novo, Portugal

Museum of Mechanical Music

This architectural beauty is the home to a personal collection of more than 600 examples of mechanical musical instruments.

Operation Tracer Cave

There was a top secret plan during World War II to seal a group of soldiers inside the rock.
Madrid, Spain

Carabanchel Prison

Infamous and now demolished panopticon prison built by its former inhabitants.
Málaga, Spain

Cortijo Jurado

This abandoned mansion has a window for every day of the year, and is a temple for ghost hunters.
Sant Pere de Ribes, Spain

Autódromo de Sitges-Terramar

This abandoned racetrack looks like it is set to hold competitions in the apocalypse.
Castrillo Mota de Judíos, Spain

Castrillo Mota de Judíos

The tiny Spanish village that long refused to change its outrageously anti-Semitic name.
Dumbría, Spain

The Truffle

This rough experimental house was created by flooding a dirt hill with concrete.
Corbera d'Ebre, Spain

Poble Vell de Corbera d'Ebre (Corbera d'Ebre Old Town)

The ruins of a bombed medieval village memorialize the destruction of the Spanish Civil War.
O Rosal, Spain

Mills of Folon and Picon

"Satisfying" is a good way to describe these beautifully aligned rows of Spanish mills.
Alcolea del Pinar, Spain

Casa de Piedra (Stone House)

An impressive home made of stone, carved more than a century ago.
San Martín de la Virgen del Moncayo, Spain

Abandoned Agramonte del Moncayo Tuberculosis Sanatorium

The deserted remains of a luxury hotel turned hospital ward.
Pinofranqueado, Spain

Las Hurdes

Remote, beautiful, and stigmatized, Las Hurdes is Spain's version of Appalachia.
Benidorm, Spain

Intempo Building

This 47-story "M" needed 20 years to be completed
Fábrica de Orbaitzeta, Spain

Munitions Factory of Orbaitzeta

Abandoned 18th century weapons factory in the Aezkoa Valley.
Madrid, Spain

Frontón Beti-Jai

Stuck in the middle of a modern Madrid city block are the remains of a 19th century sports complex.