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Places visited in West Palm Beach, Florida
Places edited in New York State
Places visited in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Places visited in Poughkeepsie, New York
Places added to Miami, Florida
Places edited in Asheville, North Carolina
Places edited in South Pasadena, California
Places visited in The Bronx, New York
Places visited in Miami, Florida
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New York, New York

No. 44 Stuyvesant

This 220-year-old house is a reminder of New York City's Dutch past.
New York, New York

Physical Graffiti Building

The East Village tenement from the cover of Led Zeppelin’s 1975 album has a tea shop on the ground floor.
New York, New York

Slocum Memorial Fountain

Monument to a forgotten NYC disaster that claimed the lives of 1,000.
New York, New York

Hare Krishna Tree

One of the few remaining American elm trees in New York’s Tompkins Square Park was the birthplace of a new religion.
New York, New York

Tompkins Square Temperance Fountain

A reminder to choose water over wine since 1888.
New York, New York

Number One, Broadway

Currently housing a corporate bank branch this building at the southern tip of Manhattan was once the gateway to luxury vacationing.
New York, New York

The Double Check Businessman

This anonymous businessman sculpted in bronze became an enduring memorial after 9/11, and had been mistaken by rescue workers for a survivor in the rubble.
New York, New York

Barthman's Sidewalk Clock

A clock set into the concrete outside a Manhattan jeweler has been telling time underfoot for over a century.
New York, New York

The Woolworth Building

Once the tallest building in the world and the site of "the highest dinner ever held in New York" this building now holds the most expensive penthouse in the city.
New York, New York

The Standard Oil Building

This curved Manhattan building was built to house the opulence of John D. Rockefeller's oil empire.
Brooklyn, New York

Smith-9 Street Station

The highest rapid transit station in the world.
Brooklyn, New York

Robotic Church

This former Norwegian sailor's church is slowly being taken over by ramshackle robot musicians.
Brooklyn, New York

Mafia Executioner Albert Anastasia's 1920s Home

Where infamous mobster and leader of Murder Inc. Albert Anastasia made his home.
Brooklyn, New York

Red Hook Warehouse

A massive forgotten storehouse from 1913 on the Brooklyn Waterfront has a spectacular view of Brooklyn.
Brooklyn, New York

Kammetal Workshop

Fabrication workshop where the encasement for One World Trade Center's beacon was constructed.
Brooklyn, New York

New York Dock Co. buildings

Two monstrous warehouses. One now holds priceless works of art, the other stands abandoned and dilapidated.
Brooklyn, New York

Van Brunt St Fire House (H & L Engine Co 101, Engine 202)

Where there’s manufacturing, there’s fire!
Brooklyn, New York

Jalopy Theatre and School of Music

A community theatre in Brooklyn that brings Country to New York and New York to Country.
Brooklyn, New York

Site of Joe Gallo's 1950s Headquarters

The site where Joe Gallo kept his guns, pet lion, and launched an all out mob war in 1960s Brooklyn.
Brooklyn, New York

Site of 1928 gang shooting

Retribution for death of infamous mob boss Franie Yale was a case of mistaken identity.
Brooklyn, New York

Kane Street Impaled Pumpkins

For 20 years, local pumpkins have met their fate on the iron fence surrounding this Cobble Hill home.
Brooklyn, New York

Wyckoff Street Mosaic

Detailed facade of a brownstone in Boerum Hill.
Brooklyn, New York

The New York and New Jersey Telephone Company Building

As telephones become more essential and less stylish one historic Brooklyn building remembers the days when they were a grand celebration of communication.
Brooklyn, New York

Abolitionist Place

This block in downtown Brooklyn was a hotbed of antislavery activism along the Underground Railroad.